Ben Browder

Jun 27, 2007 17:45

I am trying to learn how to do a LJ cut  :-)
So I am posting a very nice article about Ben Browder.

Actor Ben Browder’s Fans Respond

Pamela Scott Shelton
June 26, 2007

When I wrote my article, Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones Once More - Is It Time for a New Adventure Hero? (23 6 2007), my first goal was to send the message that movie goers are looking forward to being entertained by a good adventure film hero again. The Indiana Jones series was great entertainment, and fans - including myself - are looking forward to seeing a new Indiana adventure. Still, as great an actor as Harrison Ford is, as much as we love Indiana Jones, movie goers and fans have to ready themselves for either someone to step into Ford's shoes - as happened with the James Bond character. Or to be ready to look for a new hero altogether. That means that Hollywood, a savvy producer, might consider introducing a new hero, and soon.

When I suggested actor Ben Browder as a potential adventure hero, it was because I was immediately struck by that idea as I watched Browder in Farscape (1999-2003). I have only recently become aware of Ben Browder both as an actor and as the character John Crichton in the Farscape series, and it was quite by accident that I did. My son, serving in Afghanistan, ordered the complete Farscape series on-line to be sent home - you can tell he’s looking forward to a long leave. When it arrived I followed his instructions to open the box and verify the contents. Inside was the first season of the Farscape series, and I was intrigued by the packaging. I watched a couple of episodes, then the entire first season. I was hooked. When I wrote my son about how I looked forward to each new episode, he got a charge out of the fact that he had finally introduced me to a movie I liked - in this case, series. He's been force feeding me his own film and book choices for years, and we have never - until now - found one that we both like. We had fun talking about the Farscape episodes through e-mail exchanges during the time he was deployed (he has recently returned stateside).

When I mentioned that Browder had a huge fan following, it was only after I did some research and found that there are a lot of fan sites built around him and the other Farscape cast members and the series. So, while I knew the series and Ben Browder enjoyed a large following, I cannot say I understood the impact of "fans". I know now because I am getting a lot of of e-mail from Browder's fans, all concurring with my suggestion that Ben Browder would fit the bill of an adventure hero. When I suggested that his fans could make the transition from television to film with Browder, it seemed logical to me. Now, with the huge response from Browder’s fans seconding the motion to see Browder as an adventure hero; it is not just a possibility, it is a reality. Whatever genre Ben Browder chooses to works in, whatever film he chooses to do, his fans are with him. They just want to see more of his work, and they like the idea of seeing him in the role of an adventure hero like Indiana Jones.

There is no way that I can answer the many individual e-mails sent to me by Ben Browder's fans. But the overwhelming response by all of you is movie and entertainment news, and warrants mention here. I appreciate your thoughts and kind words. Your loyalty to Ben Browder's work has probably not gone unnoticed by the people who make filmmaking decisions. I am sure that we are going to have many more opportunities to see this great actor's work in film.

Now that the summer block buster films are here, we have much to choose from in the way of entertainment. I will be reviewing many of the new movies in the upcoming days and weeks, and I welcome your thoughts and ideas.

Hopefully it will work :-)
Sorry for the 2 cuts.

ben browder

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