It pisses me off to no end that people consider Cuba a "vacation spot". That's like visiting Nazi Germany to see the fucking architecture. For goodness sake there are so many beautiful, tropical, cheap places to go in the caribbean is it really necessary to go somewhere where people aren't even allowed to speak their minds
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From an outsider's p.o.v., I do not see many differences between the two countries. You say you can go out and vote. I say, if you happen to live in Florida, your votes don't get counted. You can go out and state your opinion, I say, if you're from Arab decent you'd better not. I know you wouldn't vote for Bush, yet you live in a country that isn't the paradise many (read well: I don't say all) Cubans think it is. The press in the Cuba gets told what to write. In the USA it gets not told anything at all or told lies.
I have travelled in the States, now I want to travel in Cuba. Luckily, having worked in the Dominican Republic, my spanish even has a Carribean accent to it, so I assume I can cope on my own. I will try to see the real Cuba, sitting in a resort I can do much closer to home, I'm travelling to Cuba, because I like to see the whole country, stay in casas particulares, talk to the Cubans, visit a local baseball game and get a feel for the country.
I hope I will enjoy it. Believe me, I can see that there are many mistakes in the Cuban system. But that doesn't mean it's not a nice country.
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