Nov 25, 2004 13:37
I went on a napkin folding binge.
Im hungry. I wonder if starvation causes one to be unaturally good at napkin folding. especially out of a book, and for the first time. fold. press. fold. flip. press. stand. overlap. fold. bend. fold. <----french lilly.
So everyone in my family has their own napkin.
me: the guard
alden: the fan (by ella)
dad: the water lilly
mom: the boat
ella: the french lilly
never have i known so many ways to fold napkins. I have only ever done the fan. Even then, it was the crude version of the ones so deftly folded by my kitchen friends at Jack's Place when i was 10. They put me and Alden to work folding fan style napkins and sorting silverware for the big functions. That was fun.
Anyways. Now Im starving, the food smells yum. Aldne is eating at the HaynieVoss, so our dinner doesnt start until 3ish. sucks to be me. I need a boyfriends whos mother will invite me to TG dinner. ha. Dad is making us dress up for dinner. dress up. put on real clothes. break the tradition of eat dinner in ones Pjs..right. Dress up to eat inside our own home, with our own family. who cares what we look like. I do. AND I WANT TO LOOK like Ive just woken up. the end.
~love me