Nov 14, 2004 17:25
So, in the freezing cold, I went running. My lungs froze over..
my ears hurt.
Then Noah and Ben picked me up for frisbee (yay for frisbee)
amazing plays:
~noah throwing it to erin, ben shin-ing it in hopes to deter it, when actually pointing it more directly to erin who dives and catches it
~me actually having a perfect throw..after bobbleing the disc for 15 feet..somehow..
~if it had succeeded, chad throwing his hat up to d the disc
Enough about that, it was fun..haha. Then Alden picked me up and we went home where I ate the best dinner ever (All Ive eaten today is breky and dinner..) corn, collards, pork chops, and *best* cornbread..wowwy.
Then i took a long hot shower..and now Im all cozy and warm here and about to start (and quickly finish) my homework for the last time this weekend.
Then Im going to bed..or to watch T.V..or to paint..or Ill just end up online or the never knows..
~love me