So this week is going to be full of all kinds of amazing activist-y endeavors. Which is so needed. My psyche needs some serious rejuvenation after last week. Activist engagements do just this for me.
Today was the Scotiabank AIDS Walk For Life. Chey, Brett and myself volunteered.
HIV/AIDS rates are the highest in Aboriginal populations here in Canada, some go as far as to call it an epidemic. The majority of the walkers were First Nations. It warmed my heart, especially to see so many younger youth take part. In fact, the woman who organized the entire thing was probably only 23-24. So inspiring!
I have a few picture from this afternoon under here:
The back says 'Don't just stand there.'
A Cree AIDS survivor of 21 years. Amazing. He helped in the foundation of the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN).
Don't DIS me! Discrimination, Ignorance, Stigma
The Buffalo Lodge Singers.
That man is holding his throat to help him sing the song. If you've never heard pow-wow music, look some up and you'll understand. (In fact you can listen to the Buffalo Lodge Singers
Seaview Poetry Society! Be still my beating heart.
And the organizer. Amazing.
Speaking of which, my upcoming presentation is October 12th. It' going to be in front of an audience of 100. ;_; Oh god.
I honestly have minimal stage fright. I get a little jittery before going on stage, but once I'm up there, it all kinds of melts away. But my presentation is so incredibly intimate for me. I infused so much passion and heartache into it because I am absolutely passionate about it. But it was initially written for a small audience of Indigenous Studies students...where I felt safe and confident that the group would understand. See, it assumes the students have a grasp on these issues. Indigenous Studies 100 and Women's Studies 100 classes are only beginning to graze the top...Bridgett is an amazing prof, so I know her students that at least pay attention are going to get it. But I KNOW there are going to be a few bigoted ones. It's unavoidable in a class of 100.
So this is the point: I'M NERVOUS AS HELL.
Anyways, if any of you are at all interested, the majority of my presentation is transcribed in
this post. I write "majority" because when I'm actually up there I end up saying more than this. Oh well!
Tomorrow is First Nations Day of Action in Saskatchewan. There's going to be a protest at the legislative building and a concert series to protest the tar sands in Alberta. You better bet I'll be there!
On Thursday is the Celebration of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms Day, which was created in direct protest to the censoring of "Profs in the Park" this year.
This video here sums it up nicely (I'm also really excited about how many people in here I know! HEE HEE)
Click to view
So, anyway. Yesterday was the RPL FUCKING BOOKSALE. OH GOSH YESSSS.
Look at all my pretty, pretty books.
All of em' cost be about $14 total. Amazing. Definitely a good thing I got there before they opened the doors. Chey arrived about a half an hour after me and she only found 4 books. It was like a mosh pit of booknerds, which might sound exciting, but it was incredibly claustrophobic and frustrating. So many people grabbing and pushing. But I'm happy with what I found!
Oh, also on Thursday morning I'm going to a pipe ceremony at my university and helping out at the annual FNUC pow-wow. It's going to be such a busy week, but very exciting.
So, because I'm guilty of being cynical, I'm going to post Bright Side Of Life photos.
Adorable catnaps.
The fact that Ziggy is such an ass. REALLY? The one place we didn't want you to sleep. Please take note of the knocked down Gundams. >U
Rosemary focacia bread. Nom.
Delicious peach tea concentrate. On sale!
Classy cardboard dinners!
Teepee raising!
My fucking beautiful university.
Medicine gardens in full bloom. These are all plants native to Saskatchewan.
Being acquainted with such cool folks. :B Did you notice Chey's shaved head?
Having an adorable cat and adorable partner.
This is how I keep Ziggy cool. I wrap her in a damp shirt. She doesn't mind at all.
Mmmm, vegan takeout.
My hair not getting in my way! Yay side braids!
Welp, it's too hot. I'm going to take a cold shower. Uhg.