[27] Old scars die hard [Action!spam for Roiben]

May 31, 2008 18:30

[The last few days had been so strangely peaceful, hadn't they? At least, as far as the City was concerned. So Kaye was having a pretty restful sleep. She was curled up on the small bed she was sharing with Roiben, as per the usual arrangement.

She was sleeping well, at least, until morning came and she started to drift into semi-consciousness. Her eyes were still closed, and she would have just gone right back to sleep like she usually did, but something wasn't right. Something didn't feel right. Kaye felt something cold and sticky near her, not warm, like Roiben usually was.

Instinctively knowing something was wrong, that it had to be a curse, her eyes shot open and widened as soon as they saw what they did; Roiben looked dead. There were scars upon scars all over his body, all fresh with blood. She recognized the spot on his chest where the iron arrow had once pierced his body. There was so much blood that she wasn't even sure if he was alive at all.]

"R-Roiben... Roiben! Wake up! Y-You're.. alive, aren't you?"

[Not caring about the blood, she automatically sat up on the bed and started to shake his shoulders. But then she loosened her grip, worrying that the slightest touch might harm him more. So she just continued to shout at him, hoping he would wake up, hoping that he could even hear her. This had to be some sick, cruel joke.]

old scars, souvenirs you never lose, gonna need new sheets, unaffected yet affected, curse day, roiben, blood, unaffected

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