Age of the Steam Pirate
The world nearly ended with the last World War - empires had fallen, monarchies had collapsed, some countries had nearly disappeared, and, to the shock of all humans in the know... nearly all the Nations had died. Warnings had been left behind as the last time the world lost it's personified nations it brought about a Dark Age so long that it set back human development hundreds of years. Terrified by what had happened, the leaders of the world called a ceasefire - a brief era of peace that the world hadn't experienced in all it's history.
And that was when the Nations began to re-incarnate. A few were found by their governments early on and taken in so they would be raised properly - a race began in every country to find the child that represented them. As these children grew, the technological growth was massive and, suddenly, ships could be found flying through the air and weaponry, medicine, transportation, housing and all forms of entertainment were entirely different than they were even ten years prior. There were even cities in the sky!
The world as a whole rejoiced - they were recovering and amidst the baby boom the rest of the Nations were born.
Then the world screamed with fear as a new generation of Pirates was born. Caught off guard, there was no way to defend against the new terror - the ships on the sea were at the mercy of a pirates guild so old and well hidden that any naval force could not resist them and the skies were raining merchant debris as a new generation of pirates began to terrorize. The leaders of the world were at a loss on how to fight back... and when they turned around, those Nations that they had been searching for had all somehow been attracted to those Pirates and were parts of crews. People began to wonder if this was the Nations getting retribution for their deaths...
This is where your adventure begins - amongst the chaos and greed you pick your future. And, of course, the siren song of the Legendary Treasure remains whispered about around every corner.
Age of the Steam Pirate is a Hetalia based roleplay where most of the reincarnated nations are pirates - and where a fair few of them are fighting against them as members of various navies. With pirating and steampunk galore, there is no end to the treasure, the dog fights, the looting and pillaging - and all the while, dark plots are abound in the background, waiting to spring and bring an end to all.
We are a mature rpg - meaning that sometimes we get a little to a lot descriptive with subjects some would find offensive. As such, while we don't put an age cap on the people who are allowed to role play, we do really want mature, literate people who agree to understand that sometimes there may be subjects they are uncomfortable with. Other than that, we're a fun group who enjoy pillage and plunder as much as the next person. As we very much appreciate longer posts and in depth writing, we call ourselves an english literate rp.
Anything you want to know before you take the plunge into the deeps?
The Legend~
The Treaty~
The FAQ~
The Taken and The Available~
The Claims Thread~
The Home Page~