Title: On London’s Stage
faeriesnook Rating: PG
Summary: AU: Getting lost while on a tour of London was not something that Alfred had planned. Neither was stumbling into a theatre and coming across a paint-splattered Brit reciting Hamlet.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Hetalia in anyway shape or form. I also do not own Hamlet.
“You spent the entire date wondering if it was a date.” )
Comments 6
Finally a new chapter. *faints*
I'm so happy. I thought about this story a lot resently and hoped that it would be continued soon. You heard my prayers apparently.^^
You really made my day.
But glad you finally updated bro~ <3
*makes grabby hands for the next part to beta*
Baw, Arthur and Alfred are adorable. I loved how Arthur thought Alfred was upset or something, their relationship is made of those little miscommunications they have, it's cute.
And I'm glad they're kinda admiting what they have!
I loved Alfred's uncertainty about whether their date really was one. He amuses me a lot.
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