Review :: The Walking Dead (Vol. 4, 5, 6) [subtitled: Never go to Woodbury, GA.]

Sep 15, 2010 16:25

FICTION :: 103

The Walking Dead Vol. 4: The Heart's Desire by Robert Kirkman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I'm not too sure what to make of Michonne, but I can't deny she's a BAMF.

At the very beginning where you see her walking the two zombies with chains and metal collars (and their lower jaws missing) all I could think of was the cult type thing from The Dead-Tossed Waves where they kept the zombies in a similar fashion. Of course, there they sort of worshipped the zombies and saw it as a higher state. They even WILLINGLY took the bite.

This one also features one of the few laugh out loud moments so far: All you see is this zombie's feet walking over the skeleton of a dead!zombie with his intestines trailing behind him. His intestines get caught on the ribcage of the dead!zombie and when it tugs he says, "guh." and then falls backwards to the ground with a big thud. haha.

I also want to know what the heck is up with Michonne talking to herself just as much as Andrea does. I don't want to get to like any of the characters, but it gets difficult with some of them. Andrea is one. Dale and his RV. I also like little Carl and Sophia. Maggie and Glenn.

FICTION :: 104

The Walking Dead Vol. 5: The Best Defense by Robert Kirkman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rick just keeps getting more and more...grizzled. haha. That's what I've decided I want to call it. He's the walking wounded and just keeps becoming more and more wounded in various ways. His face is all messed up from in-fighting. That one hand was pretty useless and now completely useless (since it was removed). I am just waiting to see what body part he loses next, or how he is injured.

This was definitely one of the more difficult volumes to read--especially the bits with Michonne and the Governor. It was definitely more uncomfortable than the bits in 28 Days Later when it looked like the soldiers were going to gang rape the two women just because women were so scarce after the outbreak. I do, however, think that character was capable of such acts of depravity. And worse.

This volume just ramps up the point about the zombies not being the most frightening or dangerous monsters in the new world.

I was waiting for the Governor's zombie daughter to get lose and eat him pretty much the entire time she was around. The rows and rows of what looked like fish tanks stacked on top of each other and filled with the still animated heads of zombies in his apartment made me feel even more physically ill when added to the rest of the things he'd done.

FICTION :: 105

The Walking Dead Vol. 6: This Sorrowful Life by Robert Kirkman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was equal parts disgusted and cheering as Michonne took her revenge on the Governor. She's most likely crazy (even before all of that happened to her), but especially now she has every right to be. I really want to know what the deal is with her talking to herself, because she's done that from when she showed up outside the prison to help Otis.

I really hope that the Governor is dead or dies (although part of me wants him to live on and suffer in misery day after day), because I don't want the crazy ass people from Woodbury to come try and take over the prison. :/ And also, he deserves it. With Rick stopping Martinez from going back to give away their exact location, maybe the others that would be curious will just stay put. I mean they have gladiator fights to watch. :P

All of the horrid things in the past two volumes and then we have Glenn searching the bodies of dead!zombie women to find an engagement ring to give Maggie.

Even when I'm disgusted, I can't stop once I start one of the volumes. That if anything deserves a 5-star rating.

I'm going to take a small break from Rick & co, because I don't want to burn through the entire series so quickly. As much as I want to get my grabby little hands on the next volume, I don't want to reach the end of volume 12 just yet. (Even though I know even that is not the end of this continuing story.)

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