I Was Told There'd Be Cake by
Sloane Crosley My review
rating: 5 of 5 stars
Haters to the left.
I'm uncertain why there are so many negative reviews on this book. Maybe they were expecting cake? Recipes? Stories about cake?
In any case, I picked this up as a $4 bargain book, because the cover made comparisons to David Sedaris and I liked the little blurb.
The opening sentence of the book and first sentence of "The Pony Problem": "As most New Yorkers have done, I have given serious and generous thought to the state of my apartment should I get killed during the day." had me laughing from the very start, because although I am not a New Yorker, I have done this and I doubt I am alone.
From "Sign Language for Infidels": "I hit a squirrel once while learning to drive. It wasn't pleasant, but I lived through it. I could kill again if I had to."
There were several of these that I related to "The Ursula Cookie" being one, and others that I didn't have a frame of reference for that were still enjoyable.
I say if you like David Sedaris, this is probably a collection you will enjoy. I own all of his collections, and I'm glad I own this one now and can place it on the shelf beside them.
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