May 24, 2004 19:36
oh the phobias i have:
Contreltophobia- the fear of sexual abuse
Myrmecophobia- the fear of ants (i'm a sissy)Rhabdophobia- the fear of being severly criticised
Apiphobia- the fear of bees
Gephyrophobia- fear of crossing bridges
Pnigerophobia-fear of being choked or smotherd
Agoraphobia-fear of crowded, public places
Mastigophobia- fear of punishment
Athazagoraphobia- fear of forgetting or being forgotten
Hyposophobia-fear of heights
Pediculophobia- fear of lice (wierd i know, but they terrify me)
Onomatophobia- fear of hearing a certain name
Epistaxiophobia-fear of nosebleeds
Arachibutyrophobia-fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth (these people have way too much time on their hands, fyi, i'm not afraid of this i just thought it was funny)
Sociophobia-fear of society
Toxophobia-fear of being poisoned
Virginitiphobia-fear of rape
Anuptaphobia-fear of remaining single
Clithrophobia-fear of enclosed locked places
Glossophobia-fear of speaking in public
Arachnephobia- fear of spiders
Ophthalmophobia- fear of being stared at
Tomophobia- fear of surgical operations
Testophobia- fear of tests and taking them
Dishabillophobia-fear of undressing in front of someone
Automatonophobia- fear of a ventriloquist's dummy
Emetophobia- fear of vomiting
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia-fear of long words (ooook, not afraid of them either, just a little strange so i threw it in)
Polyphobia-fear of many things
so just some fun to wash my brain of the day's tramatizing events