I just finished listening to Graham Greene's The End of the Affair, read by Colin Firth. It's an incredibly sad story, miserable and hateful and heartbreaking by turns, yet I did find parts of it very relatable. Most particularly, I keep thinking about Sarah's diary. Of course, it's extremely detailed for a diary, and very literary (it being a
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And then there's the sentiment articulated in the quote in the subject line: it's so hard to properly express happiness. For one thing, when I'm happy, I want to relish it, not spend time writing about it. And for another, I find it very difficult to adequately articulate it. The re-telling always ends up being so matter-of-fact and colourless in comparison to the occurrence. Pain is easy. Pain makes me think, and writing helps me get rid of the poison of the pain. But happy - it's always so fleeting, I hate to waste it on writing about it. And of course by the time I do get to writing about it, it isn't nearly so happy anymore, or it's through a lens of associated pain.
I don't know, I'm rambling now. Perhaps I'm just odd in that.
Thank you for responding. I want to write more. I miss writing. It helps me process what I think, and I have not been doing enough of that lately. The processing, that is; I do a fair sight too much thinking sometimes, but it's all futile if it doesn't come to anything in the end.
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