Today is the best. Yesterday, it was like someone just flipped a switch, and it was suddenly autumn. The humidity is down, and it hasn't hit eighty in two days. I can comfortably wear a jumper at least part of the time. The leaves are changing, and it's just amazing to be outside. I feel alive again. And youth this morning was tons of fun (we
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Thank you very much for your congratulations! We are all very excited. I just hope the nausea goes away after the first trimester because I'm tired of being out of commission. Even the smell of laundry (which I usually love) makes me queasy. I've never had it like this. Other problems, yes, but morning sickness, rarely. How do women do it?
She's a big time Edward fan. She also loves Jacob, but Edward is her true love.
See, that's what I was thinking about the Zahn books. I just KNEW we had discussed them, but apparently we haven't. I do really love them, but they're not my favorite books or anything. You could put them on your list but if you never felt terribly compelled, missing them is no great loss. By the way, anyone who knows who Mara Jade is, is NOT a pathetic fan.
Graphic novel art can be so stunning. I've checked out quite a bit at my library, but the selection is limited. I had a friend in high school who had a lot of manga which I enjoyed even though they were quite graphic. I'll never forget the time I tried to return a few issues to him only to encounter his dad, who demanded to see them, at the door. Can you believe I refused to show them?
If only they had been Star Wars. You're right, they are such visual movies and lend themselves well to artwork. Artwork with a narration bubble.
From Star Wars to Cheney Duvall? Lol.
It's okay, I got over it right away. Besides, I thought it was a great idea and I've often told youth/parent groups about it (specifically) when I've done speaking engagements on media and such. The thing is, there ARE weirdos out there and you can't be too careful especially at the beginning of a relationship and youth should expect their parents to monitor things very closely. I'm a big advocate of that and I tell the youth that any friend who has a problem with their parents reading correspondence isn't the best person to be communicating with. When you're older, it's different, but when you're still at home, it's the best way.
Um. Sorry about the soapbox up there. All that to say I thought it was brilliant after the initial surprise wore off.
It's pretty dead there. There was somebody new introducing themselves in the family room, but they didn't get much response. At least they can enjoy themselves reading archives (and wondering what marvelous mysteries are kept in Mt. Haleakala).
We should totally plan a reunion. We'd announce it for about a month there and at the LJ community and then we could think up about five different thread topics for people to drop by and post in if they felt so inclined. Personal update, classic memories, the books in retrospect, ideas for the story in the future, new ideas for actors, and maybe a poll or two.
I've had two high school reunions and haven't been to a one. On the other hand, I've been to a few roommate reunions and a few major reunions.
Goodness, this is your first round of severe morning sickness? Most women would positively kill for that.
Is there such a thing as a Star Wars fan who doesn't know who Mara Jade is? I'd almost consider that an oxymoron.
It really can be. But on the other hand, it can also be horribly jarring when artists change abruptly mid-series. How funny (but unfortunate) about your friend! That's one of the reasons it amuses me that Kea is into manga now: He's hyper-vigilant about censoring his reading for sex.
I have to admit that I agree. The creeps may be in the vast minority, but they still exist. Still, I appreciate you being of the same mind. I can only imagine the initial shock of being suspected of being some nutcase.
Oh, poor thing. That's too bad. Still, I hope s/he takes a look around the archives. There are some real treasures in there. (*laugh* Mm, yes, Mt. Haleakala.... D'you remember the password? It amused me immensely.)
Ha. The reunion itself should probably last about a week, too. You know people would forget, or be busy on the day of, or something. I love the poll idea. That's classic CDMC.
It goes without saying that I haven't had any. Going back to California is as close as it gets. The only other reunion I'd even be particularly interested in having is an Ireland '03-'04 one.
Of course there is. I've always been a Star Wars fan and I didn't even hear about her until I read Zahn, which I didn't read until after I was married.
Have you noticed that many female graphic artists draw breasts smaller than male artists do? Not surprising, but rather amusing. Bonnie recently bought a book for her husband Steve on drawing action characters and there was the most hilarious section on drawing bosoms (their word, not mine). It went something like "They're not two separate entities. Make sure you draw them as one being with one purpose." We had a good laugh about that. Manga is somewhat irresistable. I have to admit I was pretty jaded to the graphic nature of it back then. Seriously, I could never read now what I read then. A close up depiction of oral sex? Mmmm, no thanks.
Your parents thought I was a nutcase?
I LOVE the password. Also, the whole drama of how exciting that forum wasn't.
Oh, I don't think we'd have to have a time limit on the reunion. It's not like we'd close down the threads or anything. Veterans and newbies alike could just come and post if they felt like it. It wouldn't hurt the board to have even a trickle of ongoing action.
I'm sad, we're running out of things to talk about in this thread. We've done our best, but it's coming to and end. Boo hoo.
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