"Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?"

Sep 16, 2007 15:06

Today is the best. Yesterday, it was like someone just flipped a switch, and it was suddenly autumn. The humidity is down, and it hasn't hit eighty in two days. I can comfortably wear a jumper at least part of the time. The leaves are changing, and it's just amazing to be outside. I feel alive again. And youth this morning was tons of fun (we ( Read more... )

hcc, school, the best company

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magicsandwiches September 19 2007, 04:22:01 UTC
Autumn thrills me to no end. It has a certain quality to it that invigorates my whole being. I wish it lasted longer.

I had a CRAZY dream about you! Your family invited me (along with a number of other people) to accompany them on their vacation to Hawaii. When I arrived, Kawika came out to greet me first and I accidentally called him Ahi. He and I both were teased mercilessly about that. Later, your dad brought me his laptop so he could show me a dream your mother had. There were three images: A dog's head made out of cherry pie filling, a full figure of a dog made of cherry pie filling, and a skull and cross bones made of cherry pie filling. Each image was in 3D and rotated so I could see all sides. That was your mother's dream. After I watched it on your father's laptop, he told me that a few days after she had the dream, your family was going to eat some cherry pie filling. Your mother was about to give a dish of it to your dog when she remembered the dream. Gathering back up all the filling, she sent it to the lab to be tested. Sure enough, it was poisoned! Your dad was so pleased. Isn't that a hoot?


faeriemere September 19 2007, 11:26:12 UTC
Oh, my gosh, it's you!

Yes! Invigorating and refreshing and divine. I can't wait 'til the colours really start to show. Heather and I saw a red leaf last week, and we've been waxing rhapsodic about it ever since.

That is hilarious. That you called Keekee Ahi and that we teased you guys about it (because that's so true) and that Dad somehow had Mum's dream on his laptop and that Mum dreamed about cherry pie filling and that we just sent cherry pie filling to the lab like it was the most normal thing in the world.... And that we only had one dog. *giggles* Too funny. Thanks for sharing!

P.S. LOVE the new icons. Especially the snarking at Bella. Hee.


magicsandwiches September 22 2007, 04:51:12 UTC
We've been watching the colors on the mountain change for the past few weeks. I can't believe how deeply in love I fall every single year. Sigh.

You're welcome! Hee hee! When I woke up I was giggling like crazy. I was also relieved though because in the dream my luggage was missing and I totally blamed it on your brothers (and they were going along with it thinking the other had done it), but then I remembered that I hadn't put any sort of ID on it at the airport. Ack!

Thank you! I love them too. We haven't talked about Eclipse at all and we really should, it was so wretched.

Bella annoyed me before, but my dislike of her reached unprecedented heights in Eclipse. I don't know when I've encountered a more whiney, negative heroine. Did you notice how she's always grimacing? And how she's annoyed with everyone? She's annoyed with Charlie. She's annoyed with Alice. She's annoyed with Edward (especially when he wants to marry her and *gasp* give her his mother's ring!). She's annoyed with Jacob. Oh yes, and she's annoyed with herself. Hey, join the club! She made the book nearly unbearable.

Something that surprised me, though, was that while Bella was the character I empathized with the least, the character with whom I connected most was...brace yourself...Rosalie. Rosalie of all people! I'm so on her side. Her back-story was tragic, but it made me understand her. It also gave me a stronger devotion to Emmett.

I loved reading about Jasper's back-story as well. How charming that when he finally came to Alice and she says she's been waiting a long time, he simply says I'm sorry, ma'am.

Now for that part I liked: Jacob and Edward. Or rather, Jacob vs. Edward equals the sexiest thing ever. From the moment they face off in the parking lot, I had to start fanning myself. Then the culminating battle, so to speak, in the tent. That was hot!

Poor Jacob. He was an immature jerk and everything, but he's also wonderful. I could never walk away from the vision Bella had about her future with him. I mean, it's one thing to decide you don't want children. That's something I can somewhat understand. But to turn your back on your acknowledged soul mate AND your own little boys once you've seen them...wow, that's almost inhuman. Hey, that's Bella's greatest desire! Guess what, honey, you made it!

What are your thoughts on the book?


faeriemere September 22 2007, 16:44:09 UTC
I feel like my adoration of autumn intensifies every year. I always love it, but it seems like each year, I find some new and stronger way to anticipate it.

Oh, yikes. That's scary. I've had luggage disappear on me a couple times (I always got it back, though), and it was just the worst feeling ever. One feels terribly naked and unprepared without one's baggage. (Double entendre intended.)

I know, we haven't! And I was dying to discuss it with you, too. Bets and I dissected it in detail in her LJ, did you see?

Yes, I've pretty much given up on the idea of liking Bella. Part of me doesn't understand how the books can be so popular given that their protagonist is so unlikable, but then another part of me points out that Emma doesn't have a very likable heroine either, but it's still probably Austen's second most popular novel. I didn't notice her grimacing (that I can recall), but her constant annoyance? Ye gods. And she's so ungracious about everything, even when people are trying to be nice to her. Alice keeping on eye on her for Edward? Yeah, it was irritatingly high-handed of Edward, but she didn't need to be such a jerk to Alice about it. And so forth. Sometimes I feel like Bella's getting less mature as the series progresses.

I am surprised that you connected so strongly with Rosalie. I loved her backstory, loved getting a better understanding of her psyche and why she's distant with Bella, and I definitely like her better now (not that I disliked her before). I still find her too distant to like a lot, though. I hope that changes, but as things currently stand, I still feel that I don't know her very well. She hasn't gotten enough play for me to feel strongly about her. There's definitely potential there, though. I'd like to see her developed further.

I love Jasper. I've found him interesting right from the beginning, and he's even more so now. Also, I liked hearing the story of his and Alice' connection; it doesn't get nearly as much airtime as Emmett and Rosalie's, and I think it suffers for it. Readers don't get nearly as strong a sense of Alice' and Jasper's bond. I think he could be a really strong character, if he's given a chance.

Yes, yes, YES. That was probably my favourite part. I'm so glad you agree that it was incredibly sexy. Do you think it was necessary, too? I do, but Bets thought it was gratuitous.

I know. He is more of an ass now, but I kind of feel like it's part of him maturing. He definitely isn't there yet, but he's not the carefree kid from New Moon anymore, either. He's still trying to figure things out, and sometimes it makes him a bit of a jerk. I thought it was pretty true to life. Okay, not finding one's soul mate at the tender age of...what, seventeen? But that's why it's fiction.

You know what's funny about the Edward-vs.-Jacob dichotomy? It's so Hollywood - but Hollywood treats it in exactly the opposite way. In hot-guy-vs.-best-friend stories, the best friend always ends up with the girl. Which, in my head, is how it should work. I mean...he's her soul mate. How can she just walk away from that? Why would she even want to? I don't think I could (provided I even recognized him when I saw him, but that's an issue tied to another book entirely).


magicsandwiches September 23 2007, 21:48:20 UTC
Thanks for linking your discussion! I'm sad I missed out on that (although I may not have been finished). I definitely need to go into entries and read comments more, apparently.

Okay, first of all, of COURSE Jacob will imprint on Leah. It's so obvious. There's no other point to Leah. None whatsoever. She's there, she becomes a werewolf, she creates conflict for the whole pack, but what for? It's all set up for imprinting. How lame it would be for Meyer to throw in some charming new character that we all immediately adore and is obviously made, from head to toe, for our beloved Jacob. Of course it's going to be someone we already know and someone with whom there's a great deal of animosity. That's the formula. But don't worry, I'm sure Meyer will make it believable and satisfying. We haven't heard Leah's side, after all. Right now, Meyer's just setting it up. The good stuff comes later. I'm very confident about this. Don't get in a huff worrying about how much you can't stand Leah. Just let it happen and enjoy it as it unfolds.

Now, Rosalie. I don't think I'd get on with her, but I definitely empathize with her. I already disliked Bella, but by the end of the book, I wanted to strangle her. She had the chance to see her own two little boys and she deliberately walked away from them! ARGH! I can't tell you how that incensed me...and then I realized, that's exactly how Rosalie feels! All she ever wanted (and acquired, to a degree, through Emmett) is right in Bella's grasp; presented to her on a golden platter. Of course Rosalie resents her with an unholy passion! If I were her, I would barely be able to contain it around Bella (which she doesn't). Dislike can be hidden fairly well, but resentment is extremely difficult to disguise, especially deep resentment. As a mother, yes, I connect very well with Rosalie.

I want to read more about Alice and Jasper too! That little bit was much, much too little. It's not fair!

I'm so surprised Bets didn't like the tent scene! Gratuitous? Hardly. I could have used a little bit more. Bonnie and I talked about it at length and how thrilling it is. *giggle* It's the only part she read over immediately. My friend Heather also thought it was dead sexy. I need to talk to some of the youth in the neighborhood and see what they thought about it. One thing I do love about these books is all the different opinions they inspire.

I completely agree that Jacob's behavior is part of him maturing. Seriously, he's quite young; his behavior seems right on the money for his age, although I hardly condone him forcing a kiss on Bella. Speaking of force, Jacob would never, ever rape Bella. Hello, people, have you READ the books? I swear, fandoms really are disgusting and delusional.

That's interesting about the Hollywood thing! The best friend always wins in the movies, yes, and rightly, as you said. I don't know how she can walk away from her soul mate either. Edward is fantastic and everything, but it's like picking Dev over Shiloh. Ugh! Actually, no, Edward is much better than Dev, but still.

Oh? What book?


faeriemere September 23 2007, 23:00:53 UTC
Welcome! Glad you enjoyed reading it.

NO! He won't. I am in denial. There has to be some other point to her; maybe she's a harbinger of future female werewolf manifestations, I don't know. Maybe she's just there to inspire angst and division within the pack. I refuse to believe, however, that Jacob is going to imprint on her. He deserves better, and I don't even want to THINK about the consequent rifts and self-loathing that would necessarily accompany him imprinting on Leah (I mean seriously, Jacob issues, Bella issues, Leah issues, Sam issues, plus the entire frickin' pack experiencing said issues vicariously through their oh-so-convenient psychic link in wolf form). I know everything is setting up for it, but I absolutely refuse to harbour the idea until Stephenie Meyer spells it out.

It's not that I can't stand Leah. I actually kind of like her; goodness knows I want to. She's interesting for all sorts of reasons. But she's also a bitter, whiney, insensitive maven right now. I know she's justified in feeling betrayed, but you know, I'd have expected that to make her kinder to Jacob. Instead, all she does is snipe at him for feeling down about Bella because she has to hear his thoughts.

Plus, she's way older than Jacob. I know it's silly, but you'd be amazed how much that bothers me in this case.

Re: Rosalie, all very good points. I hadn't thought of it quite that way before, but I do see what you mean.

I know, it's not! Alice gets tons of attention; it's only fair that Jasper should get more than he does. I feel like of all the Cullens, he gets the least attention except maybe Esme.

In all fairness, I do think she enjoyed it. She just thought it was unnecessary. I, on the other hand, thought it both fantastic and essential. Jacob and Edward needed to have that conversation. It's not their fault it was hot as anything as well.

You are right: It's kind of neat to see all the different opinions the books inspire. Kind of frustrating, too, that nobody agrees completely on anything, but still, fun. I've had so many conversations about them; it's great.

Granted, the forced kiss was inappropriate. I really can't approve of it. I did find it amusing, though. And fandoms are insane. I don't understand half the things they find appealing. Ick.

Heehee. I would never have thought of the Cheney analogy. That makes me laugh.

Uhm, Anne of the Island.


magicsandwiches September 28 2007, 05:02:03 UTC
Sorry I haven't replied sooner. I've been wanting to since Sunday and yet every day I fall into bed, exhausted, without having done it. Blah, I hate getting out of the rhythm of a conversation.

Where were we?

Leah. Meyers HAS spelled it out. I'm sorry the thought of Jacob and Leah is so annoying! Even more annoying, however, is the thought of Meyers introducing some Mary Sue in the next book, which is the only alternative to Leah. While I completely agree with your assessment of Leah (totally interesting but whiney and snotty), for some reason the thought of them together doesn't bother me. I guess I'm just confident Meyers will do a proper job of it.

I thought she was nineteen, which isn't a big deal. How old do you think she is?

I was just re-reading New Moon. Coming off of Eclipse, I didn't expect New Moon to be so enjoyable, but it was (mostly because of all that Jacob numminess). One part I had forgotten about is how Alice was put into an Asylum and how her date of entrance record has the same date as the date of death on her tombstone. Such a mystery there! I wish like crazy we could get more background on her (and her and Jasper, of course).

Jasper definitely gets the raw deal attention-wise. So does Esme, but she's a little bit vanilla. Know what I mean?

Fantastic, essential, and hot. What an apt description of the tent scene! I'm glad Bets enjoyed it even though she thought it was gratuitous.

Discussing the books can definitely be frustrating. For me, in real life, there are no Jacob fans (except Bon, but I knew I could count on her)! It may very well be a maturity thing, which is interesting considering Edward is older and more mature and Jacob is young and immature. Dude!

Anne of the Island! That's my favorite one. Well, no. It's a tie between Windy Poplars and Island.

If you didn't recognize him when you saw him, I think you would come to your senses at some point, like Anne does. But I honestly think you would recognize him before that.

By the way, what do you think of Meyers' choice for actors?


faeriemere September 28 2007, 05:32:59 UTC
No worries. It happens. I figured you'd get around to it when you got a chance.

You really think she's spelled it out? I didn't get that sense at all, but it's entirely possible that my denial is getting in the way. I am in awe of your confidence in Meyer; I'd like to have such faith, but her track record with human females does not reassure me.

Really? I guess I have this impression of Sam as being much older than the other boys (and by "much", I mean maybe five years), and I put Leah in the same age bracket, since she and Sam were sweethearts. Again, though, I could be mistaken; I don't think anyone's referenced Sam's age since Twilight (maybe?), and I don't have any clear recollection of it even then.

I know; I'd dearly love more Alice and Jasper. I do hope Meyer complies at some point; they're two of the more interesting vampires, in my opinion. I suppose that's mostly because they are shrouded in mystery at this point, and because Alice is already a strong character, but still. So I'm easily manipulable; what can I say?

Alas, yes. I can't dislike Esme outright because she's so nice - much like Carlisle - but so far, she hasn't had much to do except be Carlisle's cupcake, which makes her very bland.

*grin* Thanks. I certainly thought they were appropriate descriptors.

None at all? That's such a shame. Not that I've any Jacob fans anywhere near me, either (Bets hardly counts, seeing as she lives on the opposite side of the continent), but I've only one Edward fan to contend with, so it's hardly overwhelming. Although she's twenty-nine, so I'm not sure how that figures into our maturity argument....

I never could pick a favourite. I love them all. Some less than others, but the first...five, basically, and Rilla, I love in equal measure.

I remain unconvinced. But it's really a moot point; I've not met anyone yet, and I doubt I'll meet anyone anytime soon.

Let's see.... I like the idea of Emily Browning as Bella; I think she has the right look for the part, and I know she's a good enough actress to pull it off. She might even be good enough to make Bella likable. Maybe. Henry Cavill as Edward would be a dream; pity it won't come true. I confess that I'm on the Steven Strait-as-Jacob wagon, too; based solely on Sky High, I'd say he has the right look (although whether or not he has the acting chops remains to be established). Those are the only characters I've given any amount of thought, really. What are your thoughts?


magicsandwiches September 28 2007, 20:35:23 UTC
Gosh, maybe she hasn't spelled it out. I thought it was obvious, but who knows, I could be completely off base. It wouldn't be the first time. We'll have to see what happens. I have to agree her track record with human females isn't golden.

When we first meet Leah in New Moon it says she's one year older than Bella. I would not have remembered that had I not just re-read the book. Sam...I don't know how old Sam is and yet it's probably mentioned as well.

I wonder if we'll get more Alice and Jasper in Midnight Sun. It follows the same storyline as Twilight, but since it's from Edward's POV, there could be some nice contemplative moments with information on the other vampires. I must admit, I'm looking forward to that book more than I'm looking forward to Breaking Dawn.

Carlisle's cupcake. Hee.

Well, aside from Bonnie, the only people I've talked to are youth and it seems youth are hopelessly in favor of Edward. However, it appears the whole maturity theory is bunk so it's probably just that I haven't discussed it with enough people.

EVERYONE doubts they'll meet anyone anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter. It's easy to doubt when it's such an unknown.

I did not expect to agree so completely on actors, but I do. Emily Browning seems just right to me and making Bella likable would be a big plus, wouldn't it? Henry Cavill would be fantastic, but I'm not too disappointed that it probably won't happen. I've always thought Warren Peace would be perfect, but I wouldn't mind seeing some other options.

In fact, I wouldn't mind being in on the whole casting process, if only as a fly on the wall. I'm sure I'm hardly alone in this. Watching auditions would be so much fun.

Kindred Soul and I used to fantasize about being casting directors for the male characters of the Cheney movie. No shirts allowed, obviously, but kilts were acceptable. In fact...we even made up a Dr. Seuss-like poem about it: I'll take that Shiloh in a skirt, I'll take that Shiloh with no shirt! Something like that.... She wanted to post it at CDMB but I was too embarrassed at the time. Too bad; it was deliciously juvenile.


faeriemere September 28 2007, 23:31:33 UTC
"Wait and see." Three of the most dreaded words in fandom.

I guess I can't argue with that. I sort of thought Jacob referred to Sam's age somewhere early on (I guess it would have been in New Moon, during one of his numerous rants against Sam and his "gang"), but I don't really remember, and I'm too lazy to try to look it up right now.

That is an excellent point. Okay, confession: I'm not particularly excited about Midnight Sun. I understand that conceptually, it should be very interesting, that Edwards point of view will probably dramatically alter readers' perceptions of the story. But it's basically fanfic. Canon fanfic, yeah, but still fanfic. The idea really turns me off. Lame, huh? You are right, though, about the different perspective on the Cullens.

I don't know; I've only got four people to discuss Meyer with. I'm sure you've had far more Twilight conversations than I.

True. I think it's better that way, though. The alternative would make me miserable: constantly on the lookout for a potential mate, forming new dreams at the drop of a hat and forever having them dashed to pieces.

Funny! I didn't expect you to agree so completely, either. I'm with you on your curiosity about other Edwards and Jacobs; Henry Cavill has the ability to play Edward beautifully, but I'm not as sold on him as Stephenie Meyer is/was. Similarly, I like Steven Strait a lot, but he isn't the Jacob in my head. And I'm curious how close the casting will get to the Jacob in my head.

Gosh, yes, I would LOVE to be privy to the auditions. That would be amazing on so many levels.

LOL! No shirts; kilts allowed - that makes me giggle. Geez, mental image. I'm going to be snickering off and on about it all night. Good thing I don't have a roomie to think I'm going crazy.... (Bummer, really. Half the fun of having roommates is their reactions to one's sillier moments.) It is too bad you two never posted it. The other girls would have gotten a good laugh out of it.


magicsandwiches September 29 2007, 18:56:45 UTC
I'm not really dreading it either way. Are you dreading it?

It seems like in Twilight he was referred to as an older teenager? Could that be true? If I belonged to a message board or something I would ask. There must be a character profile on some fansite somewhere. Not that it matters, but now I'm curious. I'll look it up later and pass on the info (if you're curious as well).

Well, maybe it's fanfic and maybe it isn't. Do you consider Ender's Shadow fanfic? Also, I didn't know you had such strong feelings against fanfic. I can't stand it myself, but Midnight Sun doesn't read like fanfic to me and it's more than the fact that it's high quality (I won't even read Tweedle Dee's fanfic anymore and she's an amazing writer). I think there's a legitimate story there.

I actually don't have that many people with whom I can talk about the books, but I may have had more conversations. I don't know. It's been great discussing with you. I'm enjoying myself immensely.

Definitely better as an unknown, I agree.

Completely agree about Cavill and Strait. Hee. Not as sold on Cavill as Meyers is and Strait is different than the Jacob in my head! Perhaps that's best. The Jacob in my head would be very dangerous in real life and I don't know if I could handle it.

Let's go to Hollywood. Right now.

I forgot about roommates thinking one is crazy!

I know, we should have, but I was too embarrassed to reveal how fangirly we, the oldest people at the board, actually were. I definitely had a lack of perspective back then (easy to say now, of course)


faeriemere September 29 2007, 21:24:53 UTC
Nah, not really. I need the break to recover from my dislike of Bella and start looking forward to the next book.

According to the Twilight Lexicon, Sam is twenty-one. I'm not sure where they got that info (the reference for his DOB is given as Twilight Chapter 6, but I don't have the book on hand right now to check it out), but it lists his year of birth as 1986. (Obviously, I was curious, too.)

No, I don't consider Ender's Shadow fanfic, but doesn't it tell a lot of story outside of the period at Battle School? Good point, though. I'm not really anti-fanfic, but I don't often have time for it, and most of it is kind of rubbish. Also, I avoid most of it because I can't stand to see the characters perverted. There are a few exceptions, but very few.

Ditto. Discussing them is always fun, and I always feel a bit sad when I run out of things to dissect.

Mm, but just think how insanely sexy a really dangerous Jacob would be. I actually think I'm most curious about seeing him, of all the characters, portrayed in film, which is sad because Twilight doesn't actually use him much, and New Moon probably won't hit cinemas until a couple years after Twilight.

Let's. Just as soon as I can afford the plane ticket....

Most of the time, I forget about that, too. Except every once in a while, when something online makes me laugh out loud, and I instinctively shut up and glance around to make sure that no one's staring at me.

Life would be so boring without the ability to fangirl about something. Although, you know, I'm not sure I even knew how to fangirl before CDMC. There are so many things that CDMC taught me; it's hard to imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn't gotten involved with it.


magicsandwiches October 8 2007, 04:34:38 UTC
Another crazy week. Sorry.

Sam is only twenty-one, eh? I think that's right from what I recall reading, but doesn't he seem like he's older? That's probably why you thought Leah was older as well. Thanks for looking that up, by the way. I should have known your thorough ways would not let you rest until the information was retrieved.

Yes, Ender's shadow does tell quite a bit of outside story, but don't you think Midnight Sun will as well? I agree with you about fanfic, though. It is total rubbish most of the time. Even when it isn't, seriously, who has time for it? And the perversion of characters is among the most heinous of literary crimes. Where's Thursday Next when it comes to fanfic, I ask you?

All of a sudden, I'm reminded of all the Star Wars novels out there. You know, I would consider a large portion of those to be fanfic. Of course, I couldn't possibly say Timothy Zahn's books are among them and yet...ahem.

I re-read the end of Twilight where James talks about Alice. Do you remember what he said about her? I forgot. He wanted Alice badly, but the "old, wise one" knew he was after her and changed her. I don't know if the old wise one worked at the asylum or what, but Alice was important to him. Also James said that she had lived in such horrible conditions that the pain of being changed into a vampire didn't seem to affect her. Also, that a freak like her would never be accepted in society (talking about her life pre-asylum). I'd forgotten all of that. What a mystery.

A dangerous Jacob would be fabulous, of course. Too bad there isn't much of him in Twilight, and what little there is, it isn't him with his full powers (and I'm not talking about werewolf powers here).

I could afford the ticket but not the time. Sigh. No, I have no reason to sigh. I love being busy with what I'm doing right now. Things are going so incredibly well, I wouldn't wish for different circumstances.

But I really would like us to be in on the auditions and I'll sigh about that one long and loud. :)

Dan's so used to hearing me guffaw while online, he doesn't even ask me what's so funny anymore. What can I say, I'm a guffawer.

I know! It's so weird to think how that place has affected my life. As much as I hated it, I absolutely adored it too, if only for the wonderful friends I made there. Cheney and Shiloh, you'll never know what you wrought.

I did know how to fangirl before CDMC. When I was in eighth grade, my best friend and I used to write fan letters to the Beach Boys. We never sent them off, especially since they were largely facetious, but we had a great time.


faeriemere October 9 2007, 04:26:57 UTC
All right, the margins are starting to bug me, so we're starting over with them.

Crazy week here, too. Last week seems to have been a big week for craziness; practically everyone I know had something big happen.

Yes, he seems loads older! I agree completely. I suppose he had to grow up fast, being the first in generations to get an active werewolf gene. Still, my brain has a hard time working around him being only twenty-one. Anyway, you are right: That is largely why I thought Leah was so much older. And *laugh* welcome. I'm too predictable, a'n't I?

But...it's still just going to be Twilight from Edward's perspective. Yes, the point of view changes, which means that things like backstory will almost certainly extend beyond what we already know, but I expect the time period to be exactly the same, and to me, that's still fanfiction. I'm pretty sure I'm being irrational, but once I form an impression like that, it's hard to shake.

Very good point about the Star Wars novels. I heard somewhere that they aren't even really considered canon because George Lucas refuses (er...refused) to take them into account when writing movie scripts.

I had completely forgotten about that part! How intriguing. Gosh, I wish we knew more of Alice' story. There's just so much mystery there.

I know. I'm sad that it'll be years before movie!Jacob comes into his own. Still, it'll be fun to see, even if we do have to wait ages for it.

Mm, ditto. I like my life right now, despite its manifold imperfections. Still, it would be fascinating to be a fly on the wall at Twilight auditions. Alas that it is not to be....

Nothing wrong with that. I am heartily in favour of verbal expressions of amusement. Too many people bottle it up and sit through it stony-faced. Where's the fun in that?

Yes, just so. Three of my best friends have come from that place, and the only reason I even have an eljay is because of CDMC. (Remember when I was still on...goodness, what was it even called? I can't remember. It got bought by another blogging company a couple years ago anyway. Story of My Life, or something like that.) I'm conversant in netspeak because of CDMC, I know HTML because of it, I'm aware of fashion and fanfic and cosmetics and loads of books and TV shows because of it.... There is so much of my life that is how it is now because of people I met on CDMC. My life would be so different if I hadn't listened to Bets and made that first foray into Internet forums six years ago (SIX YEARS now - this month, in fact; that's more than a quarter of my life).

*laugh* Too funny! I suppose I probably knew how to fangirl, too; it's likely something that everyone knows instinctively. The only authour I even might have fangirled, though, was Sherwood Smith; everyone else I read at the time is long dead. The girls at CDMC taught me how to fangirl people and movies and TV shows. Do you remember the LotR discussions, and the Legolas worshippers? *snickers* Sorry, nostalgia trip....


magicsandwiches October 9 2007, 05:36:09 UTC
Thank you! That last post of mine was definitely the last straw margin-wise.

Yes, you were busy last week, weren't you? I'm glad the physical and tests went okay, but more glad that they're over, for your sake.

Not too predictable. Let's say, rather, that you're delightfully predictable.

I do see what you're saying and it makes sense. It essentially is fanfic when you come right down to it. I've even wondered if it will actually get published, but since it would undoubtedly sell, I'm sure it will (publishing houses don't say no to money from what I've heard). For me, Edward is just so much more interesting than Bella. I would love to see things from his side and also fill in some holes of time, not to mention getting more backstory on the others. Maybe it will shed some light on why he's so in love with her. Of course it will. Do you think it will be believable?

I certainly don't consider them canon, as much as I love Timothy Zahn, so I'm not surprised Lucas doesn't. He would be opposed to Luke marrying for one thing. Also, Chewbacca dying? I don't think so.

Bonnie and I were talking about movie Jacob just today. I so wished you could have been there. She's crazy. And she loves her some Jacob.

No fun at all, says I.

Oh, what WAS that called? Yours was black and green, that's all I remember. And there was someone else with my name, but you wrote my name a different way. Kyhm? Something like that?

Man, there are so many internet things I do now simply because I joined CDMC and had to have internet. I never would have asked for my own laptop. I never would be all over ebay like a rash. I never would have made such amazing friends. I never would have written an little stories. I never would have read Lymond! I never would have read The Sherwood Ring! Blah, blah, blah the list goes on. And to think I actually used to hate computers and the internet and thought it was all a huge waste of time. Even stranger to think CDMC changed that for me.

The LotR discussions. CLASSIC! Oh my gosh, poor Lauren. I don't feel bad for Tweedle Dee though, she was old enough to handle it and not care, but HAHAHAHAHA, the Legolas worshippers were hilarious. And of course Doc as the anti-Legolas worshipper. *wipes tear* Good times...good times.


faeriemere October 9 2007, 06:02:31 UTC
What in Heaven's name are you doing still awake?

My pleasure. I can only take so much of these increasingly narrow comments.

Heh. Thanks. I'm glad, too, that they're over. It's gratifying to have done well, but mostly, I'm just glad that they're out of the way. Dreading them was getting really old.

*laugh* That's such a nice way to put it.

True, Edward is far more interesting in Bella. And I do expect it to be plausible, if for no other reason than that it will be canon. Nobody knows the characters better than their creator, right? At least, one would certainly hope that were the case. And for what it's worth, discussing Midnight Sun with you has made me look forward to it considerably more than I was before.

Ha, I'd forgotten about Chewbacca dying. That is pretty ghastly. I can't believe NJO (it was NJO, wasn't it?) did that. Lame, sensationalist publishing. Bah.

*laugh* Too funny! A good, detailed movie!Jacob discussion would be fabulous. I can only imagine the entertainment potential.

I really can't remember. Was it ujournal? I didn't think it was, but it might have been. Was I really that lame? Yeah, I was hyper-aware of privacy and deliberately misspelled all names. I got pretty creative about it, too, as I recall. Silly, wasn't it?

Heehee. And Bets as the Legolas impersonater? *giggles* You know those Garfield strips where something funny happens and someone snorts, and then someone snickers, and then someone laughs, and finally everyone gives up and guffaws? I feel like that right now.

Good memories, hm? Even if there were a few bad ones, too. (I will never forget the time I lost my temper with Bain and "yelled" at her. I was so chagrined afterward. Stupid newbie wars....)


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