'Resurrection Ship' I and II:
*wails* They're totally building up to Lee/Dee! WHY?
In other news, Billy takes an almost-two-episode hiatus, Laura becomes very, very ill (which she plays exceedingly well), Cain proves that she's more than just Machiavellian (wow, there are principles underneath that cold exterior), Tyrol lets go of Sharon (and is accused of not having truly loved her - we'll forget for the moment that his Sharon is dead, so moving on is good), Helo wangsts about his Sharon, Sharon is truly traumatised, but recovers, Gaius dismisses Six in favour of Gina, Gina wants to DIE, two assassination plots are cancelled, while one of them is fulfilled vicariously, and Dee has many meaningful Looks that indicate excessive interest in a certain former captain.
Oh, and Lee almost dies. After being demoted, of course, and placed under CAG Starbuck's authourity. Never mind that he masterminded the scheme that got Kara promoted. Proceeds to wangst about not dying after all.
On a side note, it is very disturbing to hear Lee called 'Lieutenant'. He is a captain! It's very wrong for him to be anything else.
Dead Cain. Not sure what to think there. It was for the best, I suppose, but...hm. She became more interesting (and less irredeemable) as I got to know her better. Disappointment also that this development considerably reduces chances of hearing further backstory about the Pegasus, and, more specifically, Gina.
Oi. So much drama. Much wangsting over the destruction that I swear I can see being wreaked on my beloved ship. Much squeeing over the new ship that is totally canon! (Yay, Adama/Roslin kiss!) Even if half of it is threatening to die. We all know that's not going to happen.
Curiosity about the future: How will the Pegasus' new commander fare? Will the crew continue to be the unsavoury lot that they are, or will he impose some decency on them? What will happen to Starbuck and Lee? Presumably they'll be transferred back to the Galactica and return to their former posts, but will they really? In any case, I'm looking forward to seeing how that transpires. What happened to Gina? How will Roslin be saved? Or, more aptly, when? (Next ep, most likely. They can't keep her teetering on the brink of death forever.) And goodness, thank Heaven, Billy's back. I was beginning to worry after not seeing his cherubic face for an episode and a half. Surely they can't already be phasing him out?