Agh, tired. I had to send several long emails today to some of Mum's forum people, and herd the siblings, and then I realised that the house was beginning to look like the aftermath of a small skirmish and my back is sore and oy vey, is this what Mum has got to deal with all the time, except on a larger scale? And then she comes up with something different for dinner every night? And then she gets up in the morning to make Dad's sandwich, and then she teaches us? Blimey, Mum, you are rather amazing. Chocolate for you? (Or not, actually; she's not currently allowed to eat. Anyway, she's still got Valentine's chocolate.)
And might I have a resounding happy twenty-somethingth (twenty-fourth? -fifth? -sixth?) anniversary to my parents? We've got this great three-day holiday going now, with Valentine's Day, Leandra's birthday, and the parents' anniversary all linked up together.
And. Um. Yeah. I honestly cannot contain this news any longer, okay? Right, so, Mum's friends in
Sonlightforumland are throwing a virtual baby shower of sorts, which means that our poor mailman is going to be swamped with packages, mostly for Mum and baby, but also, someone gave us a six-month subscription to
Netflix. (!!!!) Dad, is, of course, pretending not to be as wildly excited as he is, but indulged himself in a bit of jubilant geekery ("I found everything I was looking for! Everything! Except for one very obscure Robert Altman film!!"), and I? Well, I JUST ORDERED THE FIRST DISC OF DOCTOR WHO SEASON ONE. YES. I CANNOT CONTAIN MY ELATION. ALSO, IT WILL PROBABLY BE HERE TOMORROW. AND THEN I WILL WATCH IT, AND THEN I WILL ORDER THE NEXT DISC, AND THE NEXT, UNTIL I GET TO SEASON TWO. AND THEN I WILL HAVE DAVID TENNANT AND ALL WILL BE SUPREMELY AWESOME. *breathes* Yeah, Harry, I think I've got something that belongs to you? Er. Yes. I also plan to order Firefly and Serenity at some point. And, um. Other stuff. When I think of it. (Also, I discovered to my horror that neither Blockbuster or Movie Gallery in this town has got any Doctor Who. Sacrelige, I say. Netflix makes it all better, though.)
We visited Mum and Leandra tonight; they are both doing splendidly. Mum's weaned off the oxygen, and is sitting up in bed, and can have a lot more light (I think she can use the computer, now, too, but she's too tired), and she's pumping milk for Leandra, and she's able to stand long enough to get into the wheelchair, so we all headed over to watch Leandra and sing to her. She was flailing about when we got there; the nurse was changing her diaper and adjusting some of her tubes & suchlike, which Leandra was not entirely thrilled about. I got a few photographs, which you lot will see tomorrow. I need sleep. (AND THERE WILL BE DOCTOR WHO TOMORROW OR SUNDAY OMGOMGOMG. ALSO MONTY PYTHON TOMORROW NIGHT. THIS IS A GOOD WEEKEND, YEAH?) The best news, I think, is that Mum is coming home very soon, which will be wonderful, although she won't do much but lie in bed for a while. We all miss her.