Suddenly I am hit with an incredibly urgent desire to write a novel about a group of people with basically useless superpowers.
Because, come on, they can't be conveniently awesome all the time. Someone's got to get stuck with 'oh, look, I can lower prices with the blink of an eye!', or 'I CAN TALK TO GOLDFISH OMG'.
Or, there could be a team of superheroes with literary-based powers: 'I am...EXPOSITION MANNN! (Along with my trusty sidekick...APOSTROPHE BOY!)'
Yeah, going to bed now. Kittyspam will insue tomorrow, especially as Mum and Dad's early Christmas present got here the same day as the kitty: they bought themselves a digital camera. Mine is somewhere in Illinois being repaired, but this one is...basically identical, so far as I can tell, except for a few new features and a slightly different layout. (By the by, the wee beastie still hasn't got a name. I looked through Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, of course, but none of the names suit, except for Mr. Mistofolees, and we already had one of those. It was a Miss Mistofolees, commonly known as Misty, but it still counts. Any other (male) cats in literature? Why am I drawing such a blank?
lady_moriel, because I know you will either suggest it or remember to suggest it in two days time while in the shower/in bed/at school/driving/eating breakfast, Tevildo would be AWESOME. Unfortunately, the parents would not get it. Even if I explained it, my dad wouldn't get it. Anyway, kitty's too cute to be evil yet.)