Happy birthday to me (yesterday, but it's my LJ). It was a lovely, lovely one, and I madly appreciate all of your comments on the last entry and will respond eventually, but as it is a freakish hour of the night I must betake myself to a nunnery. Er. To a bed, that is. For further rambling:
http://www.xanga.com/themoonhaslosthermemory/498258406/on-being-sixteen.html (Yeah. And I really want to ramble philosophically. Eventually.)
Also, leaving on holiday tomorrow afternoon, so if I'm absent for a few days before I can get myself to a computer again, I'm relaxing and making merry in Virginia Beach and am not in the position to steal--er, borrow
midenianscholar's computer yet.
Goodnight, sweet ladies, goodnight. [/geekery]