Attention particularly to
goddessreason: there is
a film coming out in September about John Keats and Fanny Brawne, and it looks spiffing. Unfortunately neither of them are vampires in it (no word on Byron however), but one cannot have everything, I suppose.
The sun went down yesterday in a tangle of after-storm clouds and a pale bloom of light, and the rain-
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Of course he's going to need a good reason for wanting this kind of magic in the first place and being willing to do something really stupid to get it, since only a really strong reason for wanting/needing power would convince him to become a vampire thrall. Although if he's, like, deep in angst by that point already, he might want to be bitten or whatever because he thinks he deserves it, or...something. And of course if he was that determined to get this power in the first place, he might well be convinced that staying a thrall is the only way to get it even though it's more likely to kill him, so something pretty awful would have to happen to convince him to turn on the vampires, give up the drive for this kind of power, whatever.
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