Assorted excerpts from my week-and-a-half with
some awesome things i did with kyra
- We went exploring in the sort of toyshop that, cruelty of cruelties, was not around when we were young, full of all of those fascinating and frequently educational toys we probably would have traded siblings for, discovered a set of large plastic dinosaurs lying about, and staged an impromptu re-enactment of
Wash's monologue in Firefly.
- At her friend Calli's house, we watched and sporked Twilight, then cleansed our palates with Iron Man (if Tony Stark, the Doctor, and Topher from Dollhouse were ever in the same room, things would blow up -- a lot), and watching Calli play Portal, which is made of win, and then we watched the first episode of Chuck, and by the time Kyra and I got home it was one in the morning. Heh. Luckily, Calli lent us the first season of Chuck on DVD, and we ended up watching through the entire season in a week, much to Kyra's delight as she has been trying to get me to watch it for an age. Nearly every night we'd sit about watching Chuck and doing other things like organising stuff or computering or I don't even remember, but it was fantastic, and Chuck is made of win.
- There was one day when we discovered that we had somehow accidentally colour-coordinated our clothing. I had a ruffled ribbony teal apron-blouse and black skinny jeans tucked into Chinese silk-print boots and a choker with a lock; she had a teal-and-dark-blue puff-sleeved flowered blouse and an ankle-length blue tie-dyed skirt from England and Converses and a teal ribbon round her neck with a key on it. It was kind of fabulous. Also, yes, we are marvellous dressers, indeed we are.
- I've mentioned that we did a lot of shopping, but on the way back from a shopping trip at the big Anchorage mall we wandered around the city a bit and went down dripping alleyways and I wrote T.S. Eliot graffiti on the walls with a sharpie. And we drove around blaring Metric. It was brilliant.
- We discussed at length the uses and conveniences of a sword cane (Kyra has one) and if Mr Caruthers possesses one what it might look like. I was practicing with her sword cane, which has a twist-off top, trying to see how quickly I could get the sword bit out and stab someone with it, and finding it a little over-complicated to have to twist the top off because that would signal to my opponent and distract me for a valuable couple of seconds; with a lot of whirling and stabbing I managed to reduce movement to two twists, but it was still too cumbersome. Then Kyra's mother walked in (Kyra was... somewhere else. bathroom? shower? food?), asked bemusedly about the thumping noises, and I told her that I was practicing with the sword cane but it still took too long to get the sword out and I'd probably get killed in the time that lost. "Um... it's research. Yes." She shook her head and laughed at me. "You are exactly like Kyra."