Oct 05, 2007 23:34
I keep opening a tab to post, and then I find I'm at a loss as to what to post about. I've been puttering along as usual, the thoughts in my head have been fairly benign, and I'm not feeling particularly bad or particularly good, all in all. I want to say something interesting and clever but there doesn't seem to be much of the interesting or clever amongst the scattered things in my head. Perhaps it will come in a bit, because I have noticed a fascinating trait about myself: whenever I say that I do not have a lot to say, I somehow end up going on for paragraphs.
i. October has come, and the world is finally beginning to really taste like autumn. I am waiting for the tree overhanging my roof and peering into my window to change -- it goes a brilliant gold and fills the room with light. But it is stubbornly remaining green, which rather gets in the way of the autumnal aesthetic I seek. And several days ago my mother and siblings and I lay on our backs on the front lawn and watched the clouds -- the tree across the road has gone gold and there is a spray of leaves beneath it, and there was a thunderstorm rolling in, great dark looming clouds billowing after one another like briny waves churning in the sky and the wind rushing through the leaves and scattering them hither and thither.
ii. I have finished Firefly! Which is rather sad, because now there isn't any more, but now I can abscond with someone's copy of Serenity and at last wander comfortably around fandom. I should make a post about Firefly eventually, because there is so very much to say about it and I don't think I've got the energy for it just now, or the presence of mind, because I start to compose something and it ends in flailing and gibberish and squee. I want to do a great big meta-y post on the pioneer/Oriental culture and how perfect it is, but it keeps on not coming out. Well, maybe when I get my laptop back. Hopefully it will be fixed properly so that I can actually get documents off of it.
iii. I, er. Want to say something. I just don't know what it is. Er, stuff.
the astonishing adventures of me