As some of you know, I am an historical costumer. What does this mean? I like making and dressing up in clothes from historical eras. One of my favourites is Victorian (if you couldn't guess). I subscribe to a monthly online magazine "Your Wardrobe Unlock'd" which has fabulous articles on things like corset-making and drafting, how to make your own pirate dress similar to Kiera Knightly's in "Pirates of the Caribbean", where to find good books and resources, how to make hats, men's tailoring, and more! (Goodness, yes, there is more!) If you click the banner below, it will take you to the site to sign up. If you sign up (after clicking the banner!) then I will get a small bonus for referring someone if you stay for two months. It's only 9.97$/mo. and I certainly don't begrudge the money! I was recently doing research, trying to figure out if a particular fabric was historical, and there was an article right there! So, if you are interested, I highly recommend it. (And, if you sign up in April, I could win a referral contest to win a shiny costuming book of my choice!)