Aug 28, 2008 09:08
Something I find very frustrating and upsetting is when people choose *not* to vote, especially under the excuse "my vote doesn't matter, California's going to go democratic anyway". Voting is not a right, and even more than a privilege, it is a responsibility. To vote is to act as a member of a community, making decisions about and for the good of the community. By opting-out, you are abdicating that responsibility and failing yourself and everyone else.
On a personal note, I am almost 25 and have never voted, not because I chose not to, or forgot, or didn't get registered in time, but because I can't. I have lived in California for almost 11 years now, and still cannot help make decisions about the place I live! I have no way to influence who gets elected and therefore which policies get implemented. I can't even write to my representative to help sway their opinion because, well, I don't have one. It is very frustrating not being able to help myself and my community.
Therefore, in november, everyone who can, go out and vote! If not for yourself, then for all the people like myself who cannot, who are voiceless.