May 23, 2006 07:26
You know, I'm not a morning person to begin with, but getting woke up by a barking/howling dog at fucking 6:30 does NOT make for a good way to start the day. What the hell is it with inconsiderate rednecks and their dogs? What the hell makes them think that ANYBODY wants to hear their beloved mutt barking at such an ungodly hour?? Not to mention the dumbfuck next door who left his dogs, who are new to the neighborhood, outside the whole time he was at work (from afternoon till after 11:30 last night)----we got serenaded by those fuckers till he got home. These dogs/people are SOOOO lucky I do NOT own a gun! People, if you HAVE to own a dog, PLEASE have the common sense/decency to KEEP IT QUIET at night!!! I mean, is it really that hard to figure out that a dog shouldn't be waking people up from their slumber, or keeping them from it? COME ON! I don't think this is going to be a good day.