Feb 21, 2008 21:51
Justin was double booked tonight. I wound up going to La Leche League by myself because he went to Fathers Reading Every Day (FRED) with DH at the library (no moms allowed). They had a good time. DH noticed a couple of red rash-like bumps on Justin's hip when he was changing him before FRED. When he was getting him into his pj's afterwards, he saw red welts everywhere. Under the arms, on the stomach, his ankle is swollen.
When I got home, I took a look and it looked like an allergy to me. But to what? DH suspected chicken pox. I pulled out the flow chart medical book and tell him that it's probably not chicken pox or anything too serious. We debated taking him to the doctor because Urgent Care ended at 8 so it's an emergency room trip. He's on amoxicillin from the ER trip for the earache last week, so I felt funny going in again. But it came down to I wasn't sure what was causing this rash that kept getting progressively worse. He had no fever and wasn't scratching. I needed to know if he could go to daycare tomorrow. So yep, another trip to the ER.
It's an allergic reaction. Possibly amoxicillin although it's not a typical amoxicillin rash. Possibly something he's eaten in the past week. Over the weekend he did have two items that are notorious for causing allergic reactions in babies, eggs and strawberries (in a little bit of a cupcake he had). So he's on benadryl.
I feel a bit like an overexcitable mother. But I also have peace of mind. And they stopped the amoxicillin.
I haven't had dinner yet and it's 10 pm. I think I'll just grab a glass of water and a book and get ready for bed.
Tomorrow I have a consultation with a personal trainer. It was supposed to be last Saturday, but the person who was supposed to meet with me flaked out. Tomorrow it's with someone different, but I've taken some classes from her and I really like her approach.