Busy Busy Busy

Dec 21, 2006 08:58

I didn't update yesterday because it was a long day.  We carpooled in to work so that I could start on some projects that had end of the day deadlines.  I knew I had to leave around 8:30 because my SIL had a doctor's appointment.  She's been in and out of the clinic and labor & delivery so much lately that her husband's boss is getting highly annoyed, so I said I could take her in if needed.

The result after 3 1/2 hours was that she has full-blown pre-eclampsyia and they admitted her.  They're a bit worried about the boy, but the girl seems to be doing well.  They've taken her off all the medication that was preventing her from going into labor so she could have them at any point.  She'll be in the hospital over Christmas.  If she feels up to it, we are williing to celebrate Christmas Day with her there (and if we have to we'll petition my ILs for the same thing).   However, it really depends on how she's feeling and what's going on with her, so we'll play it by ear.  The original plan was for my ILs and us to travel to her house on Christmas Day anyway, so it's not a big change (although there may be an issue regarding hot food!)

Because I spent half the day out of the office, the rest was focused on reaching specific deadlines.  I was surprised how much I accomplished in such a short amount of time!  Obviously, I haven't been challenged lately.

Then it was to the Mall of America to pick up a couple of things that we can't get in town.  We were in and out pretty fast, and then off to my brother's to deliver my neice and nephew's Christmas presents.  She was absolutely adorable.  She was chatting up a storm and was showing me a book (Twas the Night Before Christmas) and everytime she turned a page, she told me what was on it (almost like she was reading to me!).  Every time she saw Santa, her eyes lit up and she'd squeal his name.  It really was cute.

Got home kind of late, so I did a load of dishes and went to bed.

Today will be  a good day.  We're having our office lunch at Azia and then there's  a solstice party here when we get back.  I'd better get everything done before noon!

in-laws, family

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