After I left work on Wednesday,
sweet_pickles called to inform me that my birthday present had been delivered to the post office in my building. Had the post office been open, I may have turned around and driven back, but as it was I had to content myself with waiting until today. (I told myself it was one less thing to keep track of during my move)
sweet_pickles and
downthedip, I am absolutely flabbergasted. Thank you so much! It was definitely worth the wait. Although I'm having a hard time concentrating at work now--I want to play!
The move went as well as a move can. I had everything ready to go by Saturday morning. The guys showed up, loaded the trucks, and disassembled the furniture I couldn't carry down anyway. It was all done in under 2 hours.
However, I know live in utter chaos. Boxes are everywhere--and there's a domino effect going on. For example, let's say I'm unpacking the stuff in the kitchen. I start with the boxes nearest to me and get one or two done before I get to a box containing items that will be stored in a cabinet currently blocked by a large, empty bookshelf. The bookshelf cannot be moved because my craft supplies are sitting where the bookshelf will go, the craft supplies can't go into the office because it's currently under renovation so I have to find another location--but there isn't a bare spot of floor to be found! So
g00fy_blonde did a bit of juggling and I now have access to the kitchen cabinets and one bookshelf where it belongs. The other will have to wait until I get further.
I've been rather mixed about this move. While I wanted to do this and I want to live with
g00fy_blonde, there is a part of me that feels a little sad at my loss of independence. I'm sure that the benefits are going to outweigh the minor things I'm concerned about (staying up all night in bed to finish a particularly good book, cleaning when it fits my schedule, etc). We've talked and he has some of the same feelings.
Another minor issue is that his brother failed to move all of his things out. So, when I was trying to work in the kitchen, I had to remove various items from the cabinets (including tons of plastic storage containers with loose covers--still trying to match what I can)--and clean the areas I wanted to use. This was rather depressing as I spent a good part of Sunday cleaning my apartment--so cleaning another kitchen was not something I was very thrilled about. This is going to happen in virtually every room, except the bedroom where everything was set up before I moved in.
And what about the Pooka? She's decided to live in the basement for now. Brittany, the resident dog, thinks she has a new playmate and has been rather aggressive in her overtures of friendship. For those who know Pooka, you know that doesn't go over very well. So far, Brittany has had her nose swiped twice. Living in the basement has created the bonus of a kerosene coated kitty. It's wearing off and her access to that location has been blocked--but I had just given her a bath the day before!
I'm sure it will all come together....eventually.