Nov 05, 2008 07:39
To All Those Who Voted "Yes" on Prop 8,
Fuck. You.
I hope the next time you see your "gay friends" you feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. I hope you have a gay/lesbian child who falls in love and wants to get married, just so you have to explain to them that "Mommy/Daddy voted to take that right away from you honey."
I hope you realize what you've done... taken away the rights of millions of people... because of a fucking word... A WORD?! REALLY? OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!? How fucking self-righteous!
You know what though? This is not over. People will not let this just pass and act like it's ok. Because it's not. You're proclimation of "moral superiority" and "my meaning of marriage is better/more important than yours" will be fought and stuck down. All of you will have this rubbed in your faces because despite your hate, good will always win. You have probably lost friends, stopped speaking to members of your family, and are kidding yourself saying that this won't matter... "we'll still be friends"... wake up, honey. It's more complex than that. This isn't a fight over the last cookie or whether or not that dress makes you look fat. This is about basic rights... that you took away. People are going to never speak to you again because you've broken their hearts. Way to go.
So, fuck you. Take your hate and get out. We won't let you stay. You may have "won" this round... but we're up for the fight. Are you?
election '08,