Jul 01, 2005 01:02
I raced some crazy turtles tonight, and it sure did make me high.
Not "good-happy-high" but a "paranoid-mind racing towards realizations-high". Anyone that has been in the latter of these categories, know what I am talking about. Little blurts of your life start popping into your thoughts, and you are analyzing each and every blurt in detail and you start to believe them, no matter how grotesque they might be, but you know for sure it is all true, that you now know the ultimate truth in whatever that blurt was,then you turn and look around you and you are in a crowded bar, just staring off into space, not knowing anyone around you, and it just might be that, the couple sitting to your left are talking about you.
What made me think I could get away with this? How did this happen? Where did I come from? I forget that I sometimes arrive at this point with little or no notice. Well, there are warning signs, it's just that you don't know they are warning signs when they are going on, it is only after the fact.
I'll try and remember not to forget all the things I have learned today. Amen.