Fookin' hell...
Friday - JUDDER! Fuck yeah. Thank you so much
amenangeluk for driving us down. Met some really nice people and got a firework shoved up my arse :). I'll be there next month even if I have to walk/crawl from Oxford.
Saturday/Sunday - Baraka was fucking amazing. I was more out of my mind then I have been for a fucking long time which was of course, fucking fantastic. Everyone who wasn't there is a total idiot. Highlights included everything turning 2D and into pixels and when the club turned into a spaceship/pod type thing and SPAT ME OUT as I left.
Then off to what I expected to be a normal soundsystem in a field type free party. It was more like a highly decorated mini-festival. There were even PORTALOOS and a bar. The bar was fucking confusing/terrifying - there were women who came up behind you and rammed you right up to it and made you look at the goldfish swimming round IN the bar (!) whilst trying to make you buy cans "look at the fishes - look at the fishes - you don't HAVE to buy anything - aren't you thirsty? - fishes...". There were two dance tents, the bar area and a weird chillout tent complete with hammocks. The dance tents were a bit shit in places (the bit that got me most excited was when they let some guy who was out of his skull on and he dropped the a team theme music and loads of cheese :D) but did have banging moments and sounded like they were getting well good as we left.
At some point I found £40 which enabled me to go on a rampage through Oxford on Sunday buying scratchcards (both of which WON), a lottery ticket and a giant cuddly pumpkin. And alcohol of course.
Monday - I drank a can of strongbow. The one stop shop had sold out of space raiders. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Tuesday - Intrusion. Quote from Twitch "This is Nancy, she exists only in clubs". Not sure how to take that.
Phew. Anyway. Have photos of party which I might post up. Basically just showing the decor - fairylights and fake fires with mini robots printed on them.
Bring on the rest of the year :).