Oct 11, 2007 11:44
some of my 'look-ups' for this morning.
undulant: undulating; wavelike in motion or pattern: an undulant edge.
paradigm: a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, esp. the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme.
portentousness: ominously significant or indicative: a portentous defeat. (love it!)
fortuitous: happening by accident or chance
confluence: a coming together of people or things; concourse.
predation: act of plundering or robbing.
phrenology: a psychological theory or analytical method based on the belief that certain mental faculties and character traits are indicated by the configurations of the skull.
complicity: the state of being an accomplice; partnership or involvement in wrongdoing: complicity in a crime.
nihilistic: total rejection of established laws and institutions; anarchy, terrorism, or other revolutionary activity.
ineffable: incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible: ineffable joy.
iconography: symbolic representation, esp. the conventional meanings attached to an image or images.
funerary: of or pertaining to a funeral or burial
detritus: rock in small particles or other material worn or broken away from a mass, as by the action of water or glacial ice.
travesty: any grotesque or debased likeness or imitation
ad hoc: for the special purpose or end presently under consideration: a committee formed ad hoc to deal with the issue.
disseminating: to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse
itinerant: traveling from place to place, esp. on a circuit, as a minister, judge, or sales representative
predilection: a tendency to think favorably of something in particular; partiality; preference
aleatoric: 1)law. depending on a contingent event (eg an aleatory contract)
2) of / pertaining to accidental causes; of luck or chance; unpredictable (eg an aleatory element)
3) music. employing the element of chance in choice of tones, rests, durations, rhythms, dynamics, etc
polemic: a controversial argument, as one against some opinion, doctrine, etc.
rancor: bitter, rankling resentment or ill will; hatred; malice.
anodyne: anything that relieves distress or pain: The music was an anodyne to his grief.
quiddity: the quality that makes a thing what it is; the essential nature of a thing.
acuity: sharpness; acuteness; keenness: acuity of vision; acuity of mind.
ubiquitous: existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent: ubiquitous fog;
scrofulous: morally degenerate; corrupt: Relating to, affected with, or resembling scrofula (primary tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands, esp. those of the neck)