Oct 21, 2004 21:03
Weeeeell. I'm quite overwhelmed. It's only Thursday and already this week has been enormous. I went to Melbourne over the weekend for the future problem solving nationals and OMG... we came first!! I was so amazed, it took me by COMPLETE surprise... I think the rest of my team were really surprised too... it was so wonderful, everyone was so happy and people were running up and hugging me and complete strangers were walking up and congratulating us and the teachers were smiling at us from ear to ear, lol. We got a beautiful big shiny shield to keep for a year (we named it Troy) and we also got a nice little trophy (the "sacred" trophy) and we all got medals. That afternoon in Melbourne airport a few random people came up to me and said, "Aren't you one of the girls who came first?" And I'm like, "yep... yep that's me..." lol no, not really. But basically, I was really happy. lol. We're going to internationals now next June, in Kentucky!!! So I get to go to America twice in one year! How excitement. Apparently an email was sent around to all the staff at school a couple of days ago cause I've had teachers that I like, never talk say congratulations to me. Some of these people I didn't even think knew who I was. Wow. It's all so overwhelming and weird, but in a really cool way. hehe. Anyway, that's not the end of it! On Tuesday I tried out for senior choir and I got in!!! Yayness! The choir lady put me in altos but she said that I have a higher range than I think. Coolness. AND also with singing, I did my first eisteddfod this morning!! And I came... FIRST!!!! I'm just... woah... spaced out. I've hardly ever had so many achievements in my LIFE, let alone in one week, lol! I dunno, I'm starting to think maybe this is God's way of telling me that He wants me to be happy, hehe. I'm definitely going to make more of an effort. Is has my razor... on Monday I had it in my pocket and was scared because I was on the verge of cutting, and I told her... so she asked me to give it to her and I did. She's so wonderful. And I'm going to throw out my "cutting compass"... I have one for actual working and one just for cutting, how ridiculous is that!? Yesterday I was fiddling with it under my desk in English and Is noticed... she always notices, and she's always the only one... she tried to swing her hand around and grab it off me but I was too quick for her. But it doesn't matter, because I'm going to throw it out anyway. No more. I think she's starting to give up on me... and that would just be too much. I feel sometimes like she's the only person I really have, the only one who really tries to understand and doesn't pretend that I'm always just fine. She's always been so supportive, always been my shoulder to cry on... and I just don't know what hope I could possibly have in myself if she lost hope in me. So I'm going to try harder, and I'm going to show her what I can do. And everything will be good again, and maybe I can finally be the great friend to her that she is to me. =) It's all coming together! It'll all be just fiiiiiine, I know it.