Personal Responsibility

Nov 22, 2008 02:57

I was recently reading an online article describing a tragic tale of a Miami native college student who posted online that he was going to commit suicide and then proceeded to do so online while a plethora of people either egged him on, tried to talk him down and other who debated on his ability to do so. Eventually the police were summoned to the scene but not before the kid had already passed away.

The article then goes on to post comments from the family alluding to the fact that everyone should have been trying to stop their son/brother and others making comments to the effect that "there is probably nothing that could be done legally to those who watched and did not act". This coming from a Miami lawyer.

My response to this is your damned right there is nothing legally that can be done about it because it's not other peoples responsibility to police other adults. While regrettable and sad, this act was brought about solely by the individual in question and is solely his responsibility. It is his life and his choice what to do with that life.

Now, to the people who are going to jump my shit and say I'm cold hearted and a bastard for saying these things, I have an instant if not listened to rebuttal. I've been there. Plenty of times I've held a loaded gun to my own head, wrapped cord around my neck, taken handfuls of poisonous pills at a time and other sundry attempts to end my own life. I don't blame my parents, or my spouse, or my friends for my actions, they are solely my own.

Yeah. life gets tough, and if you can't find a reason to go on, maybe you should check out for a while and come back when you're recouped. That's right, now you get it! I believe in reincarnation, that there is more to this world and the affairs of the soul then just one go. And for all you bleeding hearts out there scoffing, my question to you is this: Why did he commit suicide?

I'll tell you why. Because his emotional burden exceeded his ability to cope. You want to stop the suicides? Then try making this hell hole you call "God's Great Country! tm" a better place to live and be in. Stop being greedy. Stop condemning everyone who does fawn over your beliefs like they're golden eggs coming out of your ass. Stop looking down your nose at everyone who believes differently than you and acting like they're evil because you don't share those beliefs.

Stop being so self centered that your most revered holy day, Christmas, is all about what you can buy and focus on the message of you beloved savior. Love Everyone and Forgive Every Sin. That doesn't mean say "Well who am I to judge?" while holding your self up and condemning the "action but not the person" and trying to police the world with laws. It means truly forgiving them. Don't let it bug you at all. If you're right and they're wrong, OH WELL. It'll get sorted later won't it. Stop walking around like you've got something crawling and squirming stuck in your ass.

It's not your responsibility to stop people from killing themselves. It's not your responsibility to make sure people go to church, don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't swear, don't have tattoos or piercings, that they don't have sex with someone they're not married to or someone of the same gender. It's not your responsibility to govern our actions if they don't affect you. It's ours. And each soul will have an accounting later, judged by their own beliefs. It's your responsibility to make sure you govern you.

rant, responsibility

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