Potato? babies

May 23, 2005 22:11

So at 9:46 PM I was hanging out in my room with the lovely Jamie O'Connell, freshly home from college, when Phebes walks in the door and gives me "the look" and said: "We have a crisis." I kindof gave her a look because I really didn't feel like finding her cell phone or her credit card, both of which she leaves around the house. She continued, "Kiera needs to have a five pound sack of potatoes by tomorrow morning, decorated to look like a baby."

I replied, "It's almost ten. The stores aren't open, and I'm not going out to buy one right now." She then asked if I could leave fifteen minutes earlier tomorrow morning to buy one on the way to our very last day, then she realized that Market Basket generally isn't open at six in the morning. I gave her another look and wittily remarked "Why don't you just fill a bag with five pounds of rice and tell her teacher the baby's asian?"

Needless to say, my sister is now carrying a ten pound bag of rice around school named "Asia" because our scale didn't work and we put all the rice we own into the bag. What's more, it has chopsticks, slanty eyes, and a chinese new year charm. I am quite excited about this. It's also fat. My mother also thinks the Asian thing is hysterical, making us officially the most Racist family in Westford.

So if you steal her baby, please don't puncture it because Westford Academy's first ever Rice Baby will leak.

As a side note, I got a new picture phone today. Exciting!
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