I've been musing about what counts as a productive day.
This stems largely from the fact that because I'm ill* I've had to seriously reshape how I live my life. Today I've had what nowadays counts as a very productive day - I've done two loads of washing, put some books back in the correct place on the groaning bookcases, arranged and packaged a parcel to be collected, bought some bits from Argos (online) we needed, done the Tesco order online, written a
review and done the incredibly dull job of labelling and filing photos of books (my very least favourite part of selling online, even further downt he list than accounts and tax returns!).
Added up this comes to less than 3 hours of doing stuff yet it's taken me all day and has been punctuated by sleeping. All I have planned for this evening is eating the dinner David will provide, reading in the bath and then reading in bed.
Once upon a time this would have been a very lazy day and yet I feel both tired and proud of my 'accomplishments'. Bah to it I say!
*About which I shall tell you more post neurologist. Don't panic though. Twill be fine. Yes, yes.