Hey, I just saw this bulletin from Becca on MySpace. It's a pretty crazy story about a guy that died after taking an anti-smoking drug. If anyone is quitting smoking or know someone that is should read this.
http://heehawmarketing.typepad.com/hee_haw_marketing/2007/09/a-sad-day-in-da.html Party in the Tenderloin tonight. eek! (The Tenderloin is the bad party of San Francisco. By bad I mean lots of homeless people and drug addicts, and there for a little scary for me.) But I'm going with a group of guys and probably in a cab so it won't be too bad. Matt wanted to bike there but that was not going to happen for me. haha.
Today I had to go into school around noon, and didn't get home until about 6:30pm. UGH. And today was my day off! But I made good head-way with one of my final projects. It's a group project (9 people) but is based off my design. Three sketches/ideas were presented, mine being one of them, and the group choose to do my design! When it's all finished I will take a picture of it and scan in my first sketch/drawing and post it, so you can see what I do at school...for those of you that are curious. :) I'll also post a picture of some of my school friends...
Elias, Gabriel, Shannon, Christina, Lisa, Sara, and Meghan
There are more photos on my Flikr page. (just click on the photo) These pictures are from Thursday last week (so, not yesterday) when we had our "Props and Materials" class for six hours, 8:30-3, then went on a field trip for our "Seminar in the Arts" class 3-6. We have pretty much all our classes together so I see them a LOT and we are all very silly with each other. It's the only way to handle school when you're so stressed out and haven't slept or had anything to eat all day except coffee and are just about to loose your mind. Then you dance a little on the table or laugh at the teacher because he sang "Don't go Chasing Waterfalls" by TLC with the ENTIRE class in the computer lab. We are WACKY. haha.
Okay. I'm rambling now...