Morality police!

May 07, 2010 10:54

I feel sad for my state when I see things like this:,0,7112288.story

But it has a happy ending!,0,7641285.story

Seriously though? Ugh, it makes my brain bleed when people play morality police because the library has books THEY don't feel is appropriate, so because they don't like it, no one can read it. When I was growing up, there were tons of books I was not allowed to read due to my age and the content of the books. Let's face it, a seven year old probably should not be reading "The Bluest Eye", even if they can technically read it. As I grew older and was allowed to read whatever I wanted, I knew well enough when something made me feel uncomfortable to return it/ let my family know when I knew it wasn't appropriate for me.

But my mother never hollered at the library to ban a book so that others couldn't read it, just because she felt I shouldn't. Can't Ms. Harden be a parent to her own daughter instead of everyone else's?
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