Things I give up on:
-Trying to write awesome cases on the new topic.
-Talking to Sonya without her getting offended at something
...yeah, that's it.
In other news, I got my license on Friday. Scannage of the license itself will happen...sometime today. My picture isn't all bad (I'm half-smiling, that's weird), my hair looks fabby and my skin looks flawless, so that's a definite plus. I had to drive my brother to a friend's house right after I got home on Friday, then last night I had to run out and get food for myself and the munchkins. My conclusion: I drive much better when I'm not attempting to eat at the same time. *nods*
Still, the sense of freedom I have is exhilarating. I mean, I just grab the keys, get in the car, and drive away. It's fantastic. =D
I have a sinus infection that hurts like woah. My entire face is sore, my ears have, like, massive pressure, all of my mucous membranes are inflamed and I feel generally crappy. Fun.
I'm on so many drugs right now it's not even funny.
Speaking of drugs, my brothers are royal fucktards. They got caught buying pot from kids at the middle school. And they did a bunch of stupid shit that resulted in them getting all privileges revoked...including privacy. My parents took the doors off their bedrooms. Stupid children. If you're going to do bad shit, do it WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. That means removing the middleman. Not that I'd know. I'm the good kid. But whatever.
Okay, I think I'm done now.