Sep 05, 2006 19:40
Oh, hey, while I'm in the mood, why don't I really update?
So today was my first day of college classes. It was pretty cool. I'm taking Beginning Latin, French 209 (contemporary issues in theatre), Biblical Poetry, and Chaucer. In short, a bunch of way fun stuff.
I'm making friends; this process will almost certainly continue and evolve, since now I'll be starting to meet people actually interested in the same classes and extracurriculars as me, rather than people who were arbitrarily placed on the same floor or in the same first-year mentor group as me. Yay.
I'm taking voice lessons, I've auditioned for choir/chamber singers, and I plan to tea for the Shakespeare society.
I've been rereading the Lord Peter/Harriet Vane part of the Dorothy L. Sayers canon. Much funness.
Hmm, I should probably do my latin homework. You'll probably hear from me again.