May 23, 2006 19:53
I have no hair. Well virtually no hair. I like it. Lots. I think it's cool. It's certainly different. My own mother didn't recognise me.
I have now had my last lesson with the good maths teacher, my last french lesson with one of my teachers, my last physics lesson, and my last Spanish lesson with both of my teachers. Sheeesh. I ONLY HAVE HALF A DAY LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is not very long at all.
Tonight, Sarah and I had the last ever Starbucks Tuesday. Well, the last official one. It was a little bit sad. Hope you haven't read my note Sarah!!!!!!!!!!Heehee!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know what else to say. I am now typing for the sake of writing something. I am not feeling very inspired. This is another reason I am not an English student.
I can't wait until tomorrow night....LEAVER'S BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the most beautiful dress, which did fit me perfectly, but doesn't qute anymore :( That is not good, as it will probably result in "I told you so"s from people I really can't be bothered to hear them from.
The End