So yeah today is the launch date for the new playstation 3. Supposedly they came out with only 600,000 consoles in the US alone (correct me if im wrong) so quantities are really limited. I was passing by the best buy near my house wednesday and people were already camped out making a line. Well last year when i worked at cust service at Bestbuy and Xbox 360 made its debut it was the exact same thing: people camped out, formed a line, and were handed tickets before the store opened. They use that ticket to purchase that console system. I'm almost certain that alot of ppl would buy one and sell it on ebay for twice the price and people will actually bid/buy on it. Anyways i might get one later down the road once they become less of a rarity like it is now. Besides its always the first initial systems that come out on launch are the ones that are most likely to have problems/glitches *coughxbox360cough* So yeah im looking forward to the nintendo wii more than the ps3 so fuck ps3 =P (for now at least)
Other than wanting a wii so badly ive been playing wow mores again since i cant play neverwinter nights 2 because my shitty comp cant handle it and it lags up. I rolled a night elf hunter this time around. She has pretty spiff gear for her level all thanks to pedros brother for running us thru deadmines and blackfathom depths. I have to finish more of my darkshire quests and buy that stupid expert first aid manual in arathi X_x One thing that pisses me off is the horde on this server. I guess its the same of all oppossing factions but last nite there were a bunch of horde in duskwood killing lowbies in raven cemetary. This undead rogue kept ganking me and a bunch of other ppl and again when i was trying to rez my pet. More horde came and the priest in their little entourage thought it would be really funny to fear some of us towards Mor'ladim and other misc. monsters. Seems like they wanna prove their awesomeness by killing ppl who are like 35 levels under them? And of course like fucking cowards they hearth/stealth/run when the lvl 60 calvary comes in. whatever i guess cant really complain since i play on a pvp server...=/ meh
So yeah heres a screenie of my night elf hunter and her pet (yes i named him rumpshaker cuz if you stand still long enough he like..shakes srsly)
Yesh i got her to lvl 26 go me!
Another thing i dont get is why do people, who are like 30 something levels above me wanna duel me?
i dunno if they do it for shits and giggles but its not like im gonna actually win or anything right? I mean, i thought the whole idea of dueling is to challenge yourself or like hone your skills so you can play your class better or even as practice for world pvp/ battlegrounds. So like if you duel someone 30 levels below you wheres the challenge in that? hmmm...
Anyways i gotta get ready to go to the movies since my bf is picking me up soon. We're gonna watch Happy Feet ^_^ it loooks so cute and i remember seeing it on the movie previews back in spring and was like ZOMG penguins!! hope its good =D