thoughts on Virginia tech and other things...

Apr 22, 2007 21:26

So after hearing what happened last monday at VT left me in shock and sympathetic towards the victims and there families. What kinda pisses me off is how the media is having a field day with this and needs to back the fuck off and let those people mourn over their loved ones without getting hounded by news crew or cameras telling shot students and faculty if they have any live footage of the shooting. Students themselves said they wanted to be left alone and just wanna get on with there lives. I feel bad for them and cant imagine how they must feel. =( And i dont think its an issue of stricter gun control because if someone is set on killing someone whether guns were illegal or the process of acquiring one was more dificult, that person will find a way to get one. As long as guns exist theres no limit on getting your hands on one. Sad but true. Its a really sad tragedy and my condolences go out to the families of Virginia Tech.

Friday at work there was alot of police and security was tightened. They mass emailed the staff to be on the lookout for a former employee of the university who sent out a threat to Um's human resources (which is the building that i work in x.x) and that if we see him to contact the authorities. So pretty much we were on lockdown meaning we couldnt leave or enter without our ID badges and visitors would have to be buzzed in from downstairs. There also gonna install a security panel on our floor and the third floor since only HR downstairs has a security panel. No word on whether we have to actually wear it but i think they are gonna impliment it as well. I really dont wanna wear my ID cuz my picture came out so ugly T__T;; lol

I decided to take a leave of abscence from world of warcraft (or rather a short break) cuz I kinda lost alot (if all) motivation to even play the damned game. SOme of my friends stopped playing and my bf stopped as well and if he stops theres no one to help me level...T__T lol I guess this is a good thing because it gives me a chance to focus on other games that i neglected to play because of Wow so now i can finally catch up. Speaking of which, I got Paper Mario for the Wii on Saturday. Its really cute and fun and you have to play it with the Wiimote horizontally which i got used to pretty quickly. Playing it like that reminded me of the old school mario days. BUUUT!! my all time favorite Mario is and always be Super Mario Bros 3 for the Nes! IT HAD TANOOKI MARIO!! OMG i loved that tanooki suit so much! Remember you had to press DOWN + B to turn to stone?? yup i still remmeber that. lol Anyways i didnt get that far in it im only on Chapter 2-3 but so far im liking it! I really like the concept of switching between 2d and 3d. Lets hope i actually play it all the way through XD

Bleach and naruto is getting really good. Cant wait til the next episode!! grrr why does that old sand lady got beef with Kakashi??!! Well i can already tell that Sakura will save Kankurou cuz shes like super mega poison medical ninja girl now but noooooo kakashi!!! T__T ANdAND the Vaizard ppl in Bleach! But Hiyori seems like someone i would like in the series i kinda like her personality lol. And why havent i seen Zangetsu come out in awhile??!! He better show up next couple episodes i neeeed my zangetsu fix! Dear god i fangirl too much....X__x;;; *hides*

Its really cold in my room so im gonna snuggle under my covers now. Possibly go to sleep too so i leave you all with this Cutest socks evers hehe they remind me of lil Kon's

And yes those are really my feet...<.<;;

kawaii socks, virginia tech massacre, paper mario

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