Its over 9000!!

Feb 06, 2007 14:42

Well I'm here waiting for WoW servers to come up since Blizz is doing there weekly tuesday updates so in the meantime I watched Oceans 11 cuz it was a movie I was meaning to watch but never got around to and its one of those movies where almost everyones seen it and they're like "if you dont see this movie your not cool enough!" After seeing it it was a cool, clever sorta casino heist movie with the all star cast. Of course now i have to watch Oceans 12 cuz the ending really left you hanging and it just screamed sequel. And supposedly they're making an Oceans 13 as well o_o

My warlock is now lvl 32 and I just finished the quest to get my felpuppy. I wanted to duel maybe a priest or mage to test out the felhunter because supposedly felhunters eat up casters and are good for pvp, but I'm still learning how to play my lock. And if you lose in a duel the ppl in my server like to be mean and shove it in your face like "haha u sux, l2play ur class!!111" I used to duel ppl with my mage and hunter and if I won I was always like "good game or nice fight" something along the lines of that, but I've never put anyone down for losing. But yeah people in WoW can be immature pricks.

If anyone plays Horde knows that the Barrens chat is the most annoying thing ever. Srsly listening to Barrens chat is like Sin owning Kilika, its really that bad. It is filled with the whole Chuck norris Vin diesel shit, dead baby jokes that arent funny, and the dreaded spamming of movie titles but adding the keyword "murloc" in them. Like "dude, wheres my murloc" or "Y Tu Murloc Tambien" Oh and "Jerry Murloc" You had me at murglurglululgurugle! WTF? But the flavor of the month in barrens chat is the whole "its over 9000" spamming. I wanted to see what the fuss was about so i went on Youtube and saw the video. And here it is OVER 9000 clip Yeah it was funny the first time around but now its just getting tired. Oh wells thought i'd share lol

I really need a haircut soon because my hair grew out alot since I last cut it which was like early October and I have a bunch of split ends. I want to cut if differently than how i normally have my hair but I get scared of cutting my hair too short. I've never had my hair shorter than shoulder length and i always do the same old style. Meh i dunno

The server is up now but I'm not really gonna play too long because me and my family are going out to celebrate my dads birthday today. I think we're going to Benihana later tonite when my older brother comes home from work which is awesome cuz I've been craving japanese food for awhile now.

P.S. sorry gabe if u msged me on xfire it was really late and i didnt see the message until after you logged off.

dads bday, over 9000, oceans 11, felhunter

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