Oct 31, 2011 22:03
Guess what time of year it is again! That's right, Nanowrimo time! Woo!
This year, I am writing Homestuck Steampunk, also known as Steamstuck. As usual, everything will be neatly hidden behind an LJ cut and a friends lock. I doubt anyone will want to read it, but if you do want to, you will have to friend me and I will friend you back as soon as I notice. :B
Here are some details, in the deliciously ironic form of IM conversation.
Rydia Highwind: my story is about TIME SHENANIGANS
dark nerissa: Oooooh
dark nerissa: What kind?
Rydia Highwind: basically, there was this group of people who invented a new universe
Rydia Highwind: and they get to hang out in their new universe
Rydia Highwind: except they accidentally got dropped in random points throughout the universe's timeline
Rydia Highwind: so there are two of them that can time travel and they meet up with each other and then they have to figure out where everyone else ended up so they can get them all together in a big group
dark nerissa: cool! I wish I could time travel
dark nerissa: But this is all in their new universe
Rydia Highwind: yes
dark nerissa: Are they in different places too?
Rydia Highwind: probably? some of their timelines overlap
Rydia Highwind: one of them is a vampire and she like lives in this castle and she has lived there for like 200 years and she really likes vampire cliches so she made her castle look really creepy on the outside but it's actually a really pleasant place
Rydia Highwind: one of them is a big computer nerd so he begs until they take him to a point where the internet hasn't been invented yet so he can invent it
Rydia Highwind: two of them stage a revolution at the beginning of the timeline that makes it possible for everyone to be friends with each other during the rest of it
Rydia Highwind: one of them they find by finding her gravestone? and it's going to have "DAVE WUZ HERE" carved in it
Rydia Highwind: (Dave is one of the time travelers)
dark nerissa: I like this
dark nerissa: You have way more of a plot than I do
Rydia Highwind: :D
Rydia Highwind: I had a dream about this!
Rydia Highwind: oh and one of them is a magical fairy kind of
Rydia Highwind: and one of them is 13 and will always be 13
Rydia Highwind: and, um, one of them they find when he goes on a killing spree I think
Rydia Highwind: :D
Rydia Highwind: let's see
Rydia Highwind: who else is there
Rydia Highwind: oh, and one of them is old due to SHENANIGANS
Rydia Highwind: and vodka
Rydia Highwind: there is a lot of vodka in her life
dark nerissa: this happens
nanowrimo 11,