Dec 01, 2005 22:06
What would it take to make Faeredelune curse like a cheap and skunky drunken sailor on a three day pass in the red light district of any port town?
Putting together a prelit Yule tree with the numbered stickers fallen off the electrical plug in bits and a diagram that has two less positive bits than the tree itself... It feels like playing musical chairs off the belt of Orion might feel, I swear. (and I did!)
And secondly, allow her to hide her Yule decor in plain sight, because you know she'll dig through every square foot of the basement before checking more logical hiding spots first.
Yes, It's been a colourful beginning on the side of bleak so far... and now I shall attempt to behave myself as I continue. *shifty eyed*
Edit: Huzzah! the yule tree is adorned, pictures sometimes soon.