Nov 15, 2009 01:04
So there's one bout of human stupidity that's been gnawing at my nerves for a while now. I refrained from posting about it at first because I figured that it would pass. No. It was just stupid enough that it stuck.
For those of you who know the history, you might think that I just have a personal ax to grind. That's fine. Whatever.
For those of you who don't know the history, simply put, I dated this guy back in high school; was completely head-over-heels for him, and had been since grade school. Well, I made the mistake of introducing him to my supposed-best-friend at the time, and he cheated on me with her, then broke up with me to officially go out with her, then broke up with her to get into a casual this-is-just-for-the-sex relationship (sounds slutty but that's the way it was; no need to sugar coat it), or possibly was cheating on her with me. I don't know. His story was that she refused to believe they were broken up but well... he's a habitual liar, so who really knows. Anyway, they got back together this year. I think there was a girl or two after me but before that. Again, with him, it's really hard to be sure of what happened in what order, because he overlaps girls.
ANYWAY. This girl is still on my friends list on MySpace. Why? Because I'm a nosy bitch. That, combined with my incredible laziness, kept her there. Well, after a while I didn't even think about it anymore because neither of them seemed to be active on the site, so I kind of forgot they were there. That, and I'm rarely even on there.
So I sign in one day and luck of the draw, she's just updated her status to say something like "is not happy with the way life is going right now, but the make-up sex is going to be amazing."
I have a few problems with this.
FIRST. Not everyone wants to hear about your sex life. Really. Try for a little discretion, people. Call up a friend or write in your journal if you really feel the need to inform someone/something about it. It's just uneccessary to release all of those gross mental images onto the internet to scar the inner eyes of everyone around you.
SECOND. I cannot believe you are staying with him when you have to fight to have make-up sex to make your life worth anything. What is wrong with you? Your co-dependancy is sickening. It really is. Now don't get me all wrong. I, too, was in love with him, remember, so I understand the appeal. BUT REALLY? THAT'S ALL YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS WORTH? Give it up. You're punishing yourself and you don't even realize it. Or at least, that's the way it sounds. And that's pretty damned unhealthy.
THIRD. Why must you continue plaguing the world? I just... this I do not understand. Couldn't you move somewhere like Antarctica, or something?
Have a good day. :3