Go often to the house of thy friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path.

May 21, 2010 04:00

So. I haven't updated since last October. Seven months is...a really long time. It's gotten to the point where it's been so long that I don't even know where to begin. What's important and what's not, what you all care about and what you don't. Or whether anyone even gives a shit. But...I'm still here, for anyone who does care ( Read more... )

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warriorothesea May 21 2010, 18:32:45 UTC
*shouldN'T worry - you probably got that from the context but yeah. And also partly I am like WILL ANYONE EVEN CARE about whatever I write about, but that doesn't actually matter either. I'm just like stuck in some weird limbo with LJ I think, and yeah, if I actually post more again it will stop being a big deal or any kind of deal at all, probably.

Yeah, I kind of know what you mean. Haha, I remember when I went grocery shopping for the first time when I moved into a house in college and I was like WTFFF I AM GROCERY SHOPPING AM I AN ADULT NOW? But then you get to a place where the actual number of your age fails to mean much at all, or at least that's how it was for me. Like around 23, 24ish, I think had this expectation (like, not explicitly, but in a vague kind of way) that I'd hit a certain point and magically transition into A PROPER ADULT and be somehow different or something, and then it got to be just, “well, no, that’s silly.” Haha, I remember making some friends from work when I was like 23 and assuming they were all around my ageish, and then finding out they were pretty much all over thirty, which seemed like some BARRIER AGE or something to me at the time, haha. I dunno. I still feel self-conscious sometimes, though, just because so many of my friends online are younger than me. I know doesn’t REALLY matter, but some people act like it’s weird or something, you know?

Haha, for real. YAY PATRICK STEWART!!! I noticed a lot of your Bleach and panda icons weren't there too, and I thought maybe you deleted some, but then I was like BZUH WHY WOULD YOU EVER DELETE PATRICK STEWART? D: Stupid LJ.

I HAVE A WONKA BAR. *eats it*


faemous May 21 2010, 22:54:59 UTC
I didn't even notice the type. But yes. You should post! POST TONIGHT!!!!

Haha I know that there's not some sort of MAGICAL AGE where I became an adult, but...I don't know. It's just weird. I feel like I was eighteen like a week ago and now I'm twenty-four. I'm halfway between eighteen and thirty right now. It's just...weird. And I get weirded out by people at work being different ages than me too, but even when it's just a year. Because I'm insane. My friend Becky is 25 and that weirds me out because I thought we were the same age. But. It's just a year, so what the hell does it matter? And my friend Tahleen is 23, and I thought she was older than me, so that weirds me out too. And I made friends with a seventeen year old at work and that's just BIZARRE. He was born in freaking 1993. I REMEMBER 1993.

I would never! At least it fixed itself, though!

I am jealous. I am craving chocolate. I might go out and buy another frosty tonight.


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