Go often to the house of thy friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path.

May 21, 2010 04:00

So. I haven't updated since last October. Seven months is...a really long time. It's gotten to the point where it's been so long that I don't even know where to begin. What's important and what's not, what you all care about and what you don't. Or whether anyone even gives a shit. But...I'm still here, for anyone who does care ( Read more... )

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skellywag May 21 2010, 12:56:07 UTC
My god, you did lots of things in Iceland. I'd never even thought of Iceland as a place I should visit, but after reading your description, clearly it should be on my list if only because sunrise is at 11am. How long were you there?

ALSO. Happy Belated Birthday! (I'm with you on the feeling old thing. 25 is ancient.)

WELCOME BACK TO LJ! /hug (I've sort of failed at commenting to peoples' posts recently, so I'm trying to get better at it.)


faemous May 21 2010, 15:51:29 UTC
That's what a lot of people said when I said I was going there. Why Iceland? But then I explained about the Northern Lights, the waterfalls, etc, and they understood. It was fabulous, and I definitely recommend it. The sunrise is only that late in the winter, so if you like late sunrises and the Northern Lights, winter is the time to go. In summer there's Midnight Sun rather than the Northern Lights. We were there for a week. One of the best parts was the PRICE. They had an economic meltdown recently in Iceland, so it was extremely affordable! :)

Thank you! It's just kind of surreal, realizing that I'm not on the line between child and adult anymore. I'm just. An adult. When the hell did that happen?

Thanks! I've always been a failure at commenting to posts, so I think I'll definitely try to be better at it too. I love getting comments so it seems only fair that I give them, too! :)


skellywag May 21 2010, 20:15:51 UTC
Midnight sun just doesn't sound as good. I like to stay out of the sun as much as possible. >_>; Sad that they have economic problems, but what an awesome thing to take advantage of! X3

I'm of the opinion that I will never be an "adult" as long as I can giggle about penises and stuff.


faemous May 21 2010, 22:48:44 UTC
Haha same. Unfortunately we didn't end up actually SEEING the Northern Lights, because it was apparently a low activity week or something, but...yeah. There is the OPPORTUNITY To see them in the winter, at least. And yeah, their economic state is pretty sad, especially now that that volcano erupting has messed up a lot of things for them too, but...it is an excellent thing to take advantage of. Also everyone in Iceland speaks English, which makes being an American tourist really easy, and Icelanders are really nice. :)

Hee. Penises.


skellywag May 21 2010, 23:26:31 UTC
SEE! You don't have to be an adult yet either. X3


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