Oct 17, 2006 20:16
Heya all!!
So lmfao sick right now, it's ridic. No voice to speak of, I've been half whispering/ half croaking all day. It's very fun.I'm so drunk/high on NyQuil, you'll have to excuse my rants. However, I am taking this lovely time I have to binge on all the yummy, silky things I have in my refrigerator, as they feel good on my raw, sore-ass-from-coughing-throat. So far, have downed lots of pretzels with whipped cream cheese, (okay, okay, the pretzels hurt, but the cc was delightful) yummy yummy yummmy YoCrunch vanilla yogurt with nestle crunch candy in it,(again, crunch candy was not so fab, but tasted delicious) oatmeal to the kazoo-yum, chai tea-(spices hurt, but sorta soothing) and a crapload (at least a pint) of this yummy expensive sorbet stuff that dear Chris went shopping with me for- LOVE IT! My freezer does not, however, as it sucks too much to freeze things, so it's a wee bit soupy, but Hey! Who's complaining?
I've noticed that whenever I get sick, I am more prone to hiccups. Case in point, right now! Damn it all. This is the... i think 6th time in the past 3 days. They just won't go away. God is smiting me.
Oh yeah?? Well, I smite you back!!! I'm going to use my grandfather's fail proof 100% effective hiccup cure. (And no, Chris, it is not to think of cows!!!) That is... when I can stop hiccuping long enough to do it. WE'll see.
On a very fun note, I broke 1 ipod today, and fixed another. Dad and Alex both have monocrome 20gb ipods, both of which were fucked to hell, alternating between showing the sad icon and the folder icon. Me, being the sadly enough ipod expert, tried pretty much everything, to no avail. The ipods kept freezing itunes and mycomputer, they wouldn't mount, restart, restore..nada. They would, however, go into disk mode, so I still had hope. Called up APPLE, only to have them tell me my ipods were fucked to hell (thanks i already knew that) and that since both were out of warranty, it would be $270each to fix. (keep in mind, kiddos, a new 30gb ipod is 299) I of course, being relatively sound of mind, said "Fuck that shit" and decided to search for a better way.
I joined all these forums, read all these haqcks, installed a few ipod fixes, to no avail. Then I found a suggestion that reccommended beating the shit out of your ipod, to good results. I thought, "why not, they're already fucked" and proceeded to slam my sister's ipod into my desk, numerous times for good measure.
And voila!!! LMFAO, the stupid thing started working!! Itunes recognized it, said it was corrupt, and let me restore it for the first time in over a week. Now, all of my library is on it, its working dandy, and I am ecstatic. Simply amazing.
Kids, the lesson of the day is "Kicking the shit out of your software is the way to go"
Of course, proceded to try it with dad's, and it started working for a while, but the restore wasn't solving anything, wacked it some more, and kids, I think it's a goner.
SO, I took it apart.Was TRES fun. Disconnected the battery and harddrive, only to realize that the hd is the problem; it's made by TOSHIBA(of all things) and can be replaced for around $140...much better than the 270 apple offered!!
Of course, I don't have that kind of money, so it's going to stay dead, but it was wicked fun to dissamble it, and if i can ever afford it, I'm positive I can get it working again! Or, if not, now I have an extra battery!! Woot!! If anyone has a broken ipod they'd like to part with, I would love to take a look at it, and see if the hd is the issue!! Or, if you need a battery, I'm your wo-man!!
MAJOR KUDOS to Cabaret at MMUHS!!! talent, talent, talent! Loved it!! ( the length of bands 1+2 sent my head spinning, but still very talented) Love to Laura, my bro, Annalise, Mason, Ariel, and of course, Jessie the mc ^_^
Happy Belated Birthday (once again) to Mariah!!! Hope your day was smashing, darling!!! Miss you, and hope to see you soon
I am SOOOOOOOO excited that you guys FINALLY know the musical!! I've been holding it back forever!! It's going to be awesome!! Once on this Island was performed ..two years? before I went to MMU, and Mariah and I begged candy to do it again in our years.. you lucky ducks!!
If anyone needs a copy of the soundtrack, ask Addy to burn you one, I gave him my cd!!
anyway... groggy as all hell, so I'll say goodnight, but I just had to update, it's been too long.
once on this island