Apr 23, 2005 20:47
Do you ever get those days where you wake up, and you just feel really, really tired?? Not physically tired, because, apparently, as far as your body is concerned, you had enough sleep, but mentally/psychologically tired? All you want to do is stay in bed, and forget about getting up at all. And when you do manage to get up, it stays as a small itch at the back of your mind, tingling and tickling... I wonder if it's a sign of beginning to go crazy. In any case, that's how I felt this morning, and because I had to get up for chinese school, I was halfway down the path to just ending what felt like a very miserable life, if only to get rid of that terrible tingly, tickling itch. Funny how when you're in a horrible demotivated state like that, just one tiny thing can threaten to push you over the edge, even though you have perfectly NO reason to feel that way. Oh, well. That's all for today. ^_^;;;;